
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Effective Transitions Fund evaluation

    Findings report & Technical report

    Williams J, Rosolin B, Newton B, (IES) Neary S, Blake H, Rose P, (iCeGS)  | Jul 2024 | Institute for Employment Studies

    An evaluation and technical report of the Effective Transitions Fund, an initiative to help connect disadvantaged young people in England with the education and skills they need to prepare them for their future careers.

  • Flexible working for all: Achieving greater equity for frontline and site-based workers

    Allen A, Campbell B, Dauncey S, Plowden Roberts C | Jul 2024 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Findings from a two-year action research programme to introduce flexibility into frontline roles and evaluate its impact, on both the individual and the organisation.

  • Primary care careers case studies

    Primary care career: case studies

    Bajorek, Z | Jul 2024 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Through talking to five Primary Care employees, this case study selection provides insights into career pathways and career decision making in Primary Care.

  • Summer Schools: Toolkit technical report

    Muir D, Newton B, White H | Jun 2024 | Youth Endowment Fund

    This technical report reviews the evidence on the effect of summer education programmes on disadvantaged and at-risk young people’s violence and offending outcomes, and related education outcomes.

  • Impact of summer programmes on the outcomes of disadvantaged or ‘at risk’ young people

    A systematic review

    Muir D, Orlando C, Newton B | Jun 2024 | Campbell Systematic Reviews

    This research provides evidence on the extent to which summer education and employment programmes impact the outcomes of disadvantaged or ‘at risk’ young people.

  • Labour Market Statistics, June 2024

    Jun 2024 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This briefing note sets out analysis of the Labour Market Statistics published on 11 June 2024.

  • CECIL: Final Report

    Coaching early conversations, interaction and language

    Grauberg J, with IES contributions from Dawson A, Huxley C, Nancarrow A and Garner O | Jun 2024 | The Sutton Trust

    This final report summarises the findings from the Coaching Early Conversation Interaction and Language (CECIL) Project, which started in September 2020.

  • HRN Paper: Outcomes from Career Development

    Outcomes from employer-sponsored career development

    Review of the literature

    Edwards M, Carter A | Jun 2024 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report reviews the critical and most relevant literature exploring the links between career support and outcomes for employers and employees.

  • Teachers professional development journeys

    Teachers' professional development journeys

    A report for Ofsted

    Pollard E, Williams C, Nancarrow A, Talbot J, Cook J,Williams J, Bajorek Z, Illidge L | May 2024 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The aim of the research was to follow a group of teachers with different backgrounds, roles and experiences in order to gain an in-depth understanding of how the quality of teacher professional development and the perceived impact of professional development varies across different teachers and changes across the period of one year.

  • Labour Market Statistics May 2024

    Labour Market Statistics, May 2024

    May 2024 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This briefing note sets out analysis of the Labour Market Statistics published on 14 May 2024.