
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

All our pdf publications are free to access.

  • Research into careers in construction

    Alexander K, Plowden Roberts C, Hooley T, Hirsh W, Lanceley L, Mason B, Osborne E, Pollard E  | May 2024 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The research summarises key insights from those inside and outside of the construction industry to understand how careers in construction are perceived and experienced.

  • BHM-WHC-final-report

    Independent evaluation of the Workplace Health Champion project

    Final report for Business Health Matters

    Wilson S, Ward J | May 2024 | Business Health Matters / Institute for Employment Studies

    This is the final report of the evaluation and builds upon the findings from the interim report delivered in December 2022.

  • Labour Market Statistics, April 2024

    Apr 2024 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This briefing note sets out analysis of the Labour Market Statistics published on 16 April 2024.

  • Report of the trustees and financial statements for the year ending 31 March 2024

    Mar 2024 | Institute for Employment Studies

    A summary of the annual financial statements and Institute activity in the last 12 months, up to 31 March 2023Details include: Objectives and achievementsStrategic reportingStructure, governance and managementStatement of financial activity...

  • The Good Youth Employment Benchmark

    The Good Youth Employment Benchmark

    Creating an evidence base of good youth employment practice

    Joy Williams, Cristiana Orlando | Mar 2024 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report is an updated evaluation of the existing frameworks and toolkits for employers aimed at good youth employment, and how this research can inform the development of a good youth employment benchmarking tool by Youth Employment UK.

  • HRN 163 Fairness and wellbeing

    Fairness and wellbeing

    Why good work and good management matter

    Bajorek Z | Mar 2024 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report looks at fairness and wellbeing in the workplace and how it relates to employees' feelings and behaviours and includes recommendations for HR departments, line managers and employees.

  • Supporting ‘good work’ in active labour market policies

    Rapid review of what has worked in the United Kingdom, United States and Australia

    Wilson T, Mason D | Mar 2024 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper sets out evidence on what has worked in supporting ‘good work’ in employment programmes.

  • Assessment of bootcamps report cover

    Skills Bootcamps and Adult Skills

    An overview of the current provision and availability of information

    Garner O, Dave A, Williams J, Newton B | Mar 2024 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Skills Bootcamps were introduced in England in 2020 to support the Government’s ambition to deliver sector-specific skills to support employers. This report looks to build a better understanding of what the Skills Bootcamps deliver, and how far this articulates with provision elsewhere in the English skills system.

  • ReAct supporting participants with self employment

    Supporting Restart participants into self-employment

    Research report

    Buzzeo J, Dave A | Mar 2024 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report covers the ReAct research into support for Restart participants into self-employment and identifies the gaps and improvements that could be made.

  • ReAct neurodiversity, jobsearch and work report

    Neurodiversity, jobsearch and work - a review of the evidence

    Bajorek Z, Plowden Roberts C | Mar 2024 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report covers ReAct's research into the participation of people with neurodiversity in the Restart programme and highlights how support for neurodiverse people looking for employment can be improved.