We author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.
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Labour Market Statistics, August 2023
Aug 2023 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis briefing note sets out analysis of the Labour Market Statistics published on 15 August 2023.
Meeting Central London's Skill Needs
A Report for the London Local Skills Improvement Plan
Williams M, Wilson T, Muir D, Talbot J, Brindle B | Aug 2023 | Central London ForwardThis report sets out the skills needs of employers in central London, and how the skills system could better meet those needs.
Slides: Bridging the Gap
Supporting young people's transitions into good work
Orlando C | Aug 2023 | Institute for Employment StudiesSlides from Cristiana Orlando's presentation at the Public Policy Exchange conference, Tackling Youth Unemployment: Closing the Skills Gaps & Ensuring Employment Opportunities For All.
El estigma de la obesidad y el empleo en España
Obesity stigma and employment in Spain
Campbell B, Bajorek Z, Bevan S, Muir D | Aug 2023 | Institute for Employment StudiesIn this report (published in both English and Spanish) we are focusing on obesity stigma and discrimination in employment in Spain.
Health-led Trials impact evaluation reports
Evaluation of time-limited provision of Individual Placement and Support for people with moderate to mild mental and physical health conditions in primary care
Newton B, Gloster R, Dorsett R, Cockett J, Gooch B, Benson A, Crowley J, Windle K | Jul 2023 | Department for Work and Pensions / Department of Health & Social CareThese reports contain the detailed findings, analysis and explanation of the methodologies for the Health-led Trials, a large scale randomised-controlled trial testing time-limited provision of Individual Placement and Support for people with moderate to mild mental and physical health conditions in primary care.
Work in Progress: Interim report of the Commission on the Future of Employment Support
Campbell B, Dave A, Patel R, Plowden Roberts C, Wilson T | Jul 2023 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis report presents findings from the first six months of the Commission’s work, comprising a major Call for Evidence that received around one hundred responses; twenty consultation events, workshops and focus groups; and an extensive review of the literature around ‘what works’ in employment support.
Apprenticeships, basic skills training, life skills training, mentoring/coaching, off-the-job training and on-the-job training
Summary report of the Network Meta-Analysis conducted for the Youth Employment Toolkit and supplementary qualitative and contextual findings on these interventions
Taylor D, Featherston R, Ott E, Rowland J, Newton B, Shlonsky, A. | Jul 2023 | Youth Futures FoundationThis summary report presents findings from a Rapid Evidence Assessment commissioned as part of the development of the Youth Futures Foundation’s first Youth Employment Toolkit.
The impact of wage subsidies on the employment of disadvantaged and/or marginalised young people
Rapid evidence assessment technical report
Nancarrow A, Muir D, Rosolin B, Orlando C, Newton B, Rowland J, Ott E (CEI), Shlonsky (Monash University) | Jul 2023 | Youth Futures FoundationThe main aim of this review was to examine the impact of wage subsidies on youth employment, and particularly the employment of disadvantaged or marginalised young people, in high-income countries.
Labour Market Statistics, July 2023
Jul 2023 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis briefing note sets out analysis of the Labour Market Statistics published on 11 July 2023.
The ReAct and Timewise Change Agent Programme: Evaluation Report
Allen A, Mansour J | Jul 2023 | ReAct / Institute for Employment StudiesThe Timewise Change Agent programme was developed to help Restart providers increase participants’ access to fair flexible working from day one. An evaluation of the programme involved an online survey and virtual interviews with a sample of delegates.