We author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.
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Extended and more flexible traineeships: A process evaluation
Gloster R, Byford M, Buzzeo J, Garner O, Newton B, Crick C, Mackay S | Mar 2022 | IES/Ipsos MORITraineeships have been integral to tackling youth unemployment since 2013. This evaluation aims to understand how these changes were received and implemented, the successes, challenges and lessons learnt, and any effect on trainees’ short- and medium-term outcomes.
The Single Parent Employment Challenge:
Job loss and job seeking after the pandemic
Clery E, Dewar L, Edney C | Mar 2022 | GingerbreadThis report focuses on the sub-set of single parents who experienced unemployment during the pandemic. It explores the routes that led to them becoming unemployed and their attitudes to and experiences of job-seeking and back-to-work support.
Good quality work: youth voices from across the UK
Findings from the young people consultations
Orlando C | Mar 2022 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis report is part of a three-year research project for the Health Foundation’s Young People’s Future Health Inquiry. The Inquiry focuses on understanding how to develop effective approaches in policy and practice to improve access to good quality youth employment and achieve systemic change across the four UK nations.
Green Jobs and Skills in Central London
Final Report
Edgar J, Ahern J, Bovill Rose C, Williams M | Mar 2022 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis report examines the potential scale and nature of green jobs across the Central London Forward sub region.
Green Jobs and Skills in Local London
Final Report
Edgar J, Ahern J, Bovill Rose C, Williams M | Mar 2022 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis report examines the potential scale and nature of green jobs across the Local London sub-region.
Green Jobs and Skills in South London
Final Report
Edgar J, Ahern J, Bovill Rose C, Williams M | Mar 2022 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis report examines the potential scale and nature of green jobs across the South London sub-region.
Green Jobs and Skills in West London
Final Report
Edgar J, Ahern J, Bovill Rose C, Williams M | Mar 2022 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis report examines the potential scale and nature of green jobs across the West London sub-region.
Healthcare professionals, obesity and employment
A guide to help healthcare professionals discuss employment with people living with obesity
Bajorek Z, Bevan S | Mar 2022 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis guide, the fourth output in the PURPOSE Programme, shines a light on the role that healthcare professionals can play in discussing the role of employment and employment status in the prevention, treatment and vocational rehabilitation of people living with obesity.
Coaching Early Conversation Interaction and Language (CECIL) Evaluation infographic
Garner O, Dawson A, Lindorff A, Sylva K, Bell S and Huxley C | Mar 2022 | Institute for Employment StudiesAn infographic illustrating the implementation and process evaluation (IPE) of the Sutton Trust Coaching Early Conversation Interaction and Language (CECIL) project funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, and the Lindsell Foundation.
Coaching Early Conversation Interaction and Language (CECIL) Evaluation
Implementation and Process Evaluation
Dawson A, Huxely C, Garner O | Mar 2022 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis report covers the implementation and process evaluation of the Coaching Early Conversation Interaction and Language (CECIL) project, supporting early years practitioners in Private, Voluntary, Independent (PVI) settings with the aim of improving staff practice and child outcomes around language and communication for two-year-olds.