
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

All our pdf publications are free to access.

  • Slides: Return to work research and policy

    Lessons from Covid-19 and challenges for the next decade

    Bevan S | Oct 2022 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Findings from Stephen Bevan's keynote address at the 10th International Biennial Congress on Disability Management and Return to Work

  • Evaluation of the Careers & Enterprise CEF18 Part B Fund for disadvantaged groups

    Final Report

    Buzzeo J, Manzoni C, Akehurst G, Ebanks-Silvera DJ, Patel R | Oct 2022 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The Careers & Enterprise Fund 2018 – Part B aimed to test innovative approaches to career guidance and preparing for the world of work with young people from disadvantaged groups. Evaluated by IES and NIESR, our work aimed to generate learning about how the projects met the goals of the fund and to identify the main facilitators and challenges to effective delivery.

  • Improving outcomes for young people

    Lessons from Europe

    Orlando C, Wilson T | Oct 2022 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper draws together a range of examples and case studies on how other countries are working to improve outcomes for young people and support transitions into employment and learning.

  • HRN

    Crisis? What crisis?

    Responding to change in the labour market

    Wilson T | Sep 2022 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Resources from the presentation, 'Crisis? What crisis? Responding to change in the labour market', by Tony Wilson, September 30 2022

  • HRN

    What does the new labour market mean for us?

    Carberry N  | Sep 2022 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Resources from the presentation, 'What does the new labour market mean for us?' by Neil Carberry, September 30 2022

  • HRN

    Leading people and leading ourselves to achieve Net Zero

    The crucial role of HR towards sustainable futures

    Morales E | Sep 2022 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Resources from the presentation 'Leading people and leading ourselves to achieve Net Zero: The crucial role of HR towards sustainable futures' by Eva Morales, September 30 2022

  • HRN

    The cost of living crisis

    How should employers and HR leaders respond?

    Brown D | Sep 2022 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Resources from the presentation 'The cost of living crisis:How should employers and HR leaders respond?' by Dr Duncan Brown, September 30 2022

  • HRN

    This is the way

    A new model: HR, People, Culture, Learning and OD into the 2030s

    Timms P | Sep 2022 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Resources from the presentation 'This is the Way. A new model: HR, People, Culture, Learning and OD into the 2030s' by Perry Timms, September 29 2022

  • Wellbeing through job design

    A case study of implementation in RASI (Resettlement, Asylum Support and Integration)

    Wilson S, Carter A | Sep 2022 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This case study describes the 'Wellbeing through job design’ pilot intervention, undertaken by two teams at the Home Office, during the period March 2019 - March 2020.

  • Slides: Returning to work following cancer

    Lessons for HR and OH professionals

    Bevan S | Sep 2022 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Findings from the Cancer & Employment study, presented by Stephen Bevan at the Workplace Health 2022 conference.