
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Reward and performance management in the UK

    Reilly P, State-owned assets supervision and administration commission of Anhui Province, PR China, UK-China Training Ltd, London, March 2012

  • Chair

    Robinson D, Employee Engagement Summit 2012, Canary Wharf, London, March 2012

  • Employee use of social networking: issues and challenges

    Broughton A, Employee privacy. Workstation or Playstation?, Eversheds, London, March 2012

  • Principles of outstanding leadership

    Tamkin P, Internal staff seminar, Big Lottery Fund, London, February 2012

  • Employee use of social networking: issues and challenges

    Broughton A, Employee privacy. Workstation or Playstation?, Eversheds, Nottingham, February 2012

  • Management capability

    Tamkin P, Inhouse seminar, Astra Zeneca, London, February 2012

  • Employee use of social networking: issues and challenges

    Broughton A, Employee privacy. Workstation or Playstation?, Eversheds, Birmingham, February 2012

  • Employee use of social networking: issues and challenges

    Broughton A, Employee privacy. Workstation or Playstation?, Eversheds, Leeds, February 2012

  • Employee use of social networking: issues and challenges

    Broughton A, Employee privacy. Workstation or Playstation?, Eversheds, Manchester, February 2012

  • Employee use of social networking: issues and challenges

    Broughton A, Employee privacy. Workstation or Playstation?, Eversheds, Cardiff, January 2012