
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Providing Career Support in Employing Organisations

    Hirsh W, Sink or Swim? What it takes to be an outstanding career professional in the 21st century, ACPi, London, October 2012

  • Responding to the recession: how does the UK experience fit your experience

    Reilly P, SAP HR Directors' Network, SAP, Venice, September 2012

  • Building Your OD Capability: getting started

    Garrow V, Varney S, CIPD Organisation Development Conference, CIPD, September 2012

  • Pourquoi décide-t-on de partir en retraite? une étude menée en Grande Bretagne (What motivates retirement decision? Results from a UK study)

    Broughton A, Manager l'allongement de la durée de vie au travail: quelles politiques, quelles practiques en Europe? (Managing a longer worker life - European policies and practices), Entreprise&Personnel, Paris, France, September 2012

  • Breaking Gender Segregation in Apprenticeships

    Miller L, Apprenticeships: Rebuilding the Economy with the Workforce of Tomorrow, GovKnow, September 2012

  • Outstanding leadership

    Tamkin P, Oxfam Leadership Development Programme, Oxfam, Oxford, September 2012

  • What Do Researchers Do? What Do We Understand About Researchers’ Careers?

    Mellors-Bourne R, Pollard E, Vitae Researcher Development International Conference, Vitae, London, September 2012

  • Expert contribution

    Newton B, Expert seminar: Youth unemployment and young people NEET, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), London, July 2012

  • Valuing your Benefits: How to measure and achieve ROI from your benefits spend

    Reilly P, Workplace Savings & Benefits Question Time, Workplace Savings & Benefits, London, July 2012

  • Talent Management – From Rhetoric to Relevance

    Hirsh W, HR Summer School, Growth with Fewer People, Eversheds, Henley, July 2012