
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Measuring impact, accountabilities, systems and processes: What can we learn from recent evaluations?

    Newton B, Youth Employment Convention, Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion, London, May 2013

  • Chair

    Reilly P, Prosperity during difficult times, PPMA, Bristol, April 2013

  • Chair

    Robinson D, Employee Engagement Summit 2013, London, April 2013

  • Poster presentation of Doctoral studies

    Spiegelhalter K, BSA Annual Conference: Engaging Sociology, British Sociological Association, London, April 2013

  • Poster presentation of Doctoral Studies

    Spiegelhalter K, Mindfulness in Society - International Scientific Conference, Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP) , Chester, March 2013

  • Mindfulness and the Fine Tightrope

    Spiegelhalter K, Spirituality in the 21st Century, Interdisciplinary.Net conference, Lison, Portugal, March 2013

  • Workforce planning and flexibility: Finding the best workforce mix

    Reilly P, SAP Executive Value Network workshop, SAP, Geneva, March 2013

  • The labour market for young people

    Hillage J, Young People: Their Future Choices, Norfolk County Council, March 2013

  • The labour market for school leavers and HE graduates

    Hillage J, Northamptonshire Annual CEIAG Conference 2013, February 2013

  • Quality of working life and wellbeing in an era of austerity and underemployment: A UK perspective

    Wilson S, Qualite de vie au travail, Entreprise & Personnel, Paris, February 2013