
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Getting Better Insights Into Your Workforce

    Reilly P, SAP Executive Value Network Workshop, SAP, Walldorf, Germany, November 2013

  • New models of working and HR

    Reilly P, Peer into the future, PPMA/Local Government Association, London, November 2013

  • Traineeships/Internships in the EU: A Route to Sustainable Employment or to a Dead End?

    Hadjivassilliou K, Food for Thought, Tavistock Institute, London, November 2013

  • NIHR Evidence Review: Staff Engagement in the NHS

    Robinson D, Workforce Leaders Summit, NHS Employers, London, November 2013

  • A new industrial relations for Europe?

    Broughton A, Industrial relations and restructuring in the automotive and credit sector, IRES, London, November 2013

  • The importance of engagement - the line manager's role

    Robinson D, Shine Recognition of Excellence Awards Dinner, NHS Blood and Transplant, Birmingham, November 2013

  • Measuring the impact of the strategic HR business partner

    Reilly P, Successful HR business partnering 2013, Symposium Events, London, November 2013

  • Co-ordinator and Chair

    Meager N, Peer review: The right to retirement pension information, EU Peer Review in Social Protection and Social Inclusion, Madrid, November 2013

  • Business Workforce Dialogue

    Reilly P, National Association of Regional Employers Seminar, National Association of Regional Employers, Cardiff, October 2013

  • Contributor

    Newton B, Livechat: How can we secure sustainable jobs for the most disadvantaged?, The Guardian, October 2013