
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Poster presentation of Doctoral studies

    Spiegelhalter K, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Research & Development Conference, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, University of Sussex, June 2013

  • Industrial relations in the UK

    Broughton A, Industrial relations seminar, IRSheare/Astress, Paris, Paris, June 2013

  • HRD evaluation and learning

    Reilly P, HRD in turbulent seas, University Forum for Human Resource Development, Brighton, June 2013

  • Quality Assurance of Apprenticeships and Traineeships

    Hadjivassiliou K, Advice on apprenticeship and traineeship schemes with ESF support, European Commission, Brussels, June 2013

  • Conference Moderator

    Meager N, Advice on apprenticeship and traineeship schemes with ESF support, European Commission, Brussels, June 2013

  • Apprenticeship and traineeship schemes today: Review of findings

    Hadjivassiliou K and Samek M, Advice on apprenticeship and traineeship schemes with ESF support, European Commission, Brussels, June 2013

  • Performance and pay for doctors and dentists

    Reilly P, Meeting of the doctors and dentists pay review body, Office of Manpower Economics, London, May 2013

  • What’s going on in the UK labour market? Myths and evidence

    Meager N, National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC), London, May 2013

  • Engagement in a unionised environment workshop

    Robinson D, Universities HR Annual conference, Universities HR, York, May 2013

  • Expert panel

    Pollard E, Review of part-time and mature higher education, Universities UK, London, May 2013