
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Senior manager pay in local government

    Reilly P, Heads of HR London Councils, London Councils, London, January 2012

  • Employee use of social networking: issues and challenges

    Broughton A, Employee privacy. Workstation or Playstation?, Eversheds, London, January 2012

  • Learning from the occupational health provision on the Olympic build

    Tyers C, Hicks B, Baxter K, Gilbert M, Policy and practice in health and safety, IOSH Services Ltd, Vol. 10, Issue 2, 2012

  • New HR service delivery models: the place of experts

    Reilly P, Northern Ireland Civil Service HR Innovation Day, Bangor, December 2011

  • Shared services and increasing HR's value added

    Reilly P, HRM Masters Class, University of Brighton, December 2011

  • Changing psychological contract in local government

    Reilly P, London Councils ER and Reward Group, London, December 2011

  • Chair

    Reilly P, The Future of HR Summit 2011: Managing Change, The Guardian, London, December 2011

  • Flexible working in the EU

    Broughton, A, Employment protection in restructuring for workers in more flexible forms of work and in SMEs, European Commission, Brussels, December 2011

  • Chair

    Reilly P, Getting to the heart of the people issues: how to carry out an effective board review, IES/Eversheds, London, November 2011

  • Executive remuneration: an international approach

    Reilly P, Top Pay the Local Way, Local Government Association, London, November 2011