
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Workplace Health Connect: An evaluation

    Tyers C, Work and Health in Europe, Cardiff Work Environment Research Centre, Cardiff, May 2007

  • Self managed learning and careers

    Tamkin P, Houses of Parliament Staff Away day, May 2007

  • The Significance of Workplace Learning for Individuals, Groups and Organisations

    Hirsh W, Eraut M, Seminar, SKOPE Oxford Department of Education, Oxford, May 2007

  • Stereotyping, segregation and career choices in women work-based learners

    Miller L, Gendered Choices and Transitions: part-time pathways, full-time lives, Birkbeck Institute for Lifelong Learning, London, May 2007

  • Evaluating delivery and impact of adult advice and guidance

    Page R, Pollard E, NICEC seminar, National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, Brighton, May 2007

  • The nature of employee engagement and what drives it

    Reilly P, Senior Managers' Learning and Engagement Seminar, Surrey County Council, Guildford, May 2007

  • Rewarding contribution at West Midlands Police

    Brown D, Public Sector People Management Conference, London, May 2007

  • Line managers and reward

    Brown D, Reward in Financial Services conference, Marcus Evans, London, May 2007

  • Reward and the line: business partnering in practice?

    Brown D, Employee Benefits Northern conference, Manchester, May 2007

  • The changing HR function

    Reilly P, CIPD Senior Networking Seminar, CIPD, Dublin, April 2007