Projects and case studies

  • Gatsby Adult skills bootcamps evaluation

    An investigation into the place of bootcamps within technical education. The aim of this research is to dig into the Bootcamps to build a better understanding of what they deliver and how far this articulates with provision elsewhere. The initial...

  • Refugee Employment Programme (REP)

    The New Plan for Immigration set out the Government's intentions to strengthen the asylum system migration system with clear eligibility and routes to the UK. The Nationality and Borders Act UK provides the legislative framework for the NPI. As...

  • WYCA All Age Careers Blueprint

    We will work with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA), in partnership with iCeGS, to develop an All Age Careers Blueprint for West Yorkshire. This will provide strategic direction for the combined authority for careers, education and...

  • Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons - Sum of the Parts analysis

    We are conducting a survey of the veterinary profession to understand the experiences of vet surgeons and vet nurses. 

  • Barristers Working Lives 2023

    Survey of barristers about their working lives, looking at wellbeing and work-life balance, working hours and patterns, bullying and discrimination, and specific legal system issues such as remote hearings.

  • Research into Careers in Construction Part 2

    CITB wishes to continue to build on its portfolio of research activity into careers in construction and to expand this to be as all-encompassing as possible (considering the whole journey into a career in construction). This phase of the research...

  • GLA Working Integration Network Academies

    The project will supply workforce diversity and inclusion research. IES will conduct qualitative research to identify sector specific reasons driving the underrepresentation of certain groups of Londoners in the workplace, and lead a supporting...

  • NHS England Bi-annual Snapshot surveys of the primary care workforce

    In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, NHS England (NHSE) and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) commissioned the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) to conduct a series of three Snapshot Surveys of the Primary Care Workforce to provide a ‘temperature...

  • Leadership for Personalised Care

    IES has been commissioned to conduct an independent evalaution of a suite of hybrid and on-line programmes. Our approach is to go beyond a traditional training evaluation to capture the results of participants’ working differently and leading the...

  • Help to Grow: Management Evaluation

    This is a 3.5 year evaluation (led by Ipsos MORI) of the Help to Grow: Management (a government subsidised programme that provides 50 hours (over 12 weeks) of leadership and management learning, mentoring and peer networking to SMEs, delivered by...