Projects and case studies
Barristers Working Lives 2023
Survey of barristers about their working lives, looking at wellbeing and work-life balance, working hours and patterns, bullying and discrimination, and specific legal system issues such as remote hearings.
Research into Careers in Construction Part 2
CITB wishes to continue to build on its portfolio of research activity into careers in construction and to expand this to be as all-encompassing as possible (considering the whole journey into a career in construction). This phase of the research...
GLA Working Integration Network Academies
The project will supply workforce diversity and inclusion research. IES will conduct qualitative research to identify sector specific reasons driving the underrepresentation of certain groups of Londoners in the workplace, and lead a supporting...
NHS England Bi-annual Snapshot surveys of the primary care workforce
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, NHS England (NHSE) and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) commissioned the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) to conduct a series of three Snapshot Surveys of the Primary Care Workforce to provide a ‘temperature...
Leadership for Personalised Care
IES has been commissioned to conduct an independent evalaution of a suite of hybrid and on-line programmes. Our approach is to go beyond a traditional training evaluation to capture the results of participants’ working differently and leading the...
Help to Grow: Management Evaluation
This is a 3.5 year evaluation (led by Ipsos MORI) of the Help to Grow: Management (a government subsidised programme that provides 50 hours (over 12 weeks) of leadership and management learning, mentoring and peer networking to SMEs, delivered by...
ETF Evaluation of mentor training 2
IES has been contracted to evaluate the mentoring programme delivered in England by the ETF with DfE grant funding during 2021-22. The process evaluation includes analysis of MI, interviews with mentors grant leads and stakeholders and surveys...
Sutton Trust Early Language Project
This project is an extension of the Coaching Early Conversations Interaction and Language (CECIL) project looking at two speech and language therapy teams (Nottinghamshire and Hackney) interventions in private, voluntary and independent (PVI)...
ETF Evaluation of mentor training 2
IES has been contracted to evaluate the mentoring programme delivered in England by the ETF with DfE grant funding during 2021-22. The process evaluation includes analysis of MI, interviews with mentors grant leads and stakeholders, surveys with...
Research into careers in construction
The research will bring together and build upon CITB's portfolio of research activity into careers in construction. It will draw upon key performance indicators (KPIs) that have been developed and tested across various projects to enable CITB to...