Projects and case studies
Evaluation of the W1 Skills Bootcamps and design of W2 evaluation
The Skills Bootcamps were announced in September 2020 and provide a new, flexible training mechanism linked to robust employer engagement to ensure adult learners are prepared and fast-tracked to relevant vacancies/interviews. The W1 bootcamps are...
Housing First evaluation
IES is leading the analysis of administrative data for the Housing First evaluation. Pilot projects running in Liverpool City Region, Greater Manchester and the West Midlands seek to place rough sleepers in long-term accommodation, while providing...
Recording the lived experience of people working with obesity
A survey and associated report to determine the level of stigma and discrimination that employees living with obesity experience in the UK.
Obesity Return to Work Guide
A return to work guide following the Covid-19 lockdowns to ensure that people living with obesity who have a greater vulnerability to more negative outcomes from Covid-19 are provided with a safe and stigma free return to the workplace
Obesity Stigma Webinar
An evidence review to understand the elevated risks that people living with obesity have for experiencing anxiety, depression, stigma, and social inequalities - which can all have implications for their work, productivity and success in the labour...
ETF - Evaluation of mentoring programme
IES is carrying out an independent evaluation of the delivery of two professional development programmes for mentors in 2020/21 academic year. Through analysis of MI, interviews, surveys, and case studies with mentors, mentees and other...
Making values a reality
Following development of new organisation values the Home Office is seeking support to understand how best to ensure the values become the ‘lived experience’ of leaders, line managers and staff at all levels. IES are supporting the Home Office...
Central London Forward Green Jobs and Skills
IES is undertaking research for Central London Forward to establish a definition of ‘green jobs’ and ‘green skills’ based on best practice that works in a central London context, and will analyse current and future needs for green jobs and skills...
Skills Accelerator Early Evaluation
The Skills Accelerator, incorporating Local Skills Improvement Plans trailblazers and a pilot £65m Strategic Development Fund (SDF) was announced in the Skills White Paper. Within varied contexts, the SDF pilot will provide capital and programme...
Supporting the foundations of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)
This project has been funded by the Charity of Sir Richard Whittington and is part of the Mercers' Company Early Years special initiative. It is evaluating a 10-week intervention to upskill Early Years practitioners with the confidence,...