Projects and case studies

  • Evaluation of the Careers Leader Training: Qualitative Research

    The Government’s Careers Strategy (2017) called for all schools in England to have a Careers Leader - CEC is offering 1,300 bursaries to train them. This evaluation will assess the effectiveness of the Careers Leader training in increasing...

  • Planning and preparing for later life

    In partnership with Natcen and the Pensions Policy Institute, we are designing, delivering and analysing a new household survey with people aged 40 to 74 to explore planning and preparing for later life.The survey will explore how individual...

  • Inclusive Economy Partnership (IEP) Mental Health Workstream - HR Best Practice Support

    IES will work with the Inclusive Economy Partnership (IEP) to develop guidance for employers on good practice to manage performance and support employee wellbeing.This will involve document review, content development and testing, and various...

  • Evaluation of the Royal Academy of Engineering's research programmes

    IES is supporting the Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) with an evaluation investigating the impact of the Royal Academy of Engineering's research support programmes and developing a methodology for career tracking of participants...

  • Evaluation of the National Leadership Centre

    Working in partership with Ipsos MORI, IES will conduct independent process, impact and economic evaluation of the National Leadership Centre (NLC).The NLC was launched by the Chancellor in 2018 as a threee year pilot and seeks to transform...

  • Chatbot for employees to ease the strain of everyday life

    The project aims to make a Virtual Life Coach (VLC) available to every member of UK Defence. Led by Daden Ltd, this innovation project is beingdeveloped and delivered in partnership with IES, Altruist Enterprises and the University of Worcester...

  • Sutton Trust Evaluation

    This project aims to support The Sutton Trust, in better understanding how existing evaluation reports sit together and the best way for them to move forward with their future evaluation activity.The project will also involve analysing data...

  • Early Years Monitoring and Evaluation

    The OVO Foundation has commissioned IES and the Sutton Trust to support them in their work in the Early Years aimed at reducing the attainment gap. The team will provide support and advice on monitoring and evaluation activities to three Early...

  • Feasibility study - planning and preparing for later life

    IES supported Natcen and the Pensions Policy Institute in undertaking a feasibility study for a survey of planning and preparing for later life for the Department for Work and Pensions.IES contributed to scoping the employment issues to be covered...

  • NHS Leadership Academy director development research

    IES research will establish the need and high-level design requirements for a director-level leadership development programme across the health and care landscape.This includes identifying potential barriers to participation and reflecting on...