
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Coming clean: contractual and procurement practices

    Grimshaw D, Cartwright J, Keizer A, Rubery J, Hadjivassiliou K, Rickard C | Aug 2014 | Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)

    Using a novel analytical framework for understanding how procurement shapes employment, this report presents the results of six case studies of outsourced cleaning services and draws out key implications for improving policy and practice. Each case study is reported in the form of a narrative that highlights the specific characteristics of procurement practices and employment conditions.

  • The engaging manager in development mode

    Marvell R, Robinson D, Hirsh W  | Aug 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report explores the engaging manager as a developer, drawing on in-depth discussions with the managers themselves, their own managers, and their teams. We also draw on findings from our earlier research into Managers as Developers of Others. Engaging managers have had very different experiences of formal personal development, ranging from practically none to considerable investment in internal and external leadership programmes. However, they all have a development focus when it comes to managing their teams. Typically, they manage performance very well, and in doing so understand the different development needs of individuals within the team. They adopt a coaching style, and will look for opportunities for team members, or the team as a whole, to shine. This might be an opportunity to gain a place on a talent programme, or become involved in a special project or secondment, or simply to try out something different. The report gives some practical advice to managers who would like to improve their development focus.

  • HR Directors' Retreat 2014: Innovation

    IES event write-up

    Robinson D | Aug 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    At Barnett Hill on 19th and 20th June 2014, participants of the HR Directors' Retreat were treated to a range of perspectives on innovation. Dilys Robinson has written a full and interesting account of each presentation.

  • Slides: Business Intelligence at Maersk

    A Journey across Descriptive, Linkage and Predictive HR Analytics

    Peter V.W. Hartmann | Jul 2014 | The Maersk Group

    This session will take the participants through how The Maersk Group is working with different kind of descriptive, linkage & predictive HR analytics from a theoretical & methodological perspective and illustrate this with practical concrete examples.

  • Slides: What is Big Data?

    How is it used in the business context, and is it relevant to HR?

    Dilys Robinson | Jul 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Wikipedia definition: ‘Big Data is a blanket term for any collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools or traditional data processing applications.’

  • Review of the National Student Survey - Appendix C: The Student Strand

    Griggs J, Green S, Pollard E, Williams M | Jul 2014 | Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)

    The UK higher education funding bodies, which own the National Student Survey, commissioned NatCen, the University of London’s Institute of Education, and the Institute for Employment Studies to review the current purposes of the NSS and how effectively it meets them, and to make recommendations for the survey’s future shape.

  • Workforce Planning in Academic Institutions

    A report for Universitas 21

    Reilly P, Miller L, Hirsh W | Jul 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    IES carried out a review of academic workforce planning for Universitas 21's HR Group, covering issues affecting workforce planning in academia; a description of workforce planning and talent management; and a consideration of workforce planning practice in U21 institutions.

  • Mapping youth transitions in Europe

    Jul 2014 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound)

    This report analyses the labour market situation of young people in Europe, focusing in particular on the school-to-work transition, in terms of the amount of time it takes to start the first job after education, while also monitoring the more general transition to adulthood, the age at which young people leave the parental home. It also investigates the tenacity of many young people who against the odds continue to be employed during the crisis, as well as charting their transitions from temporary to permanent contracts.

  • The Labour Market Story: The UK Following Recession

    Jul 2014 | UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES)

    The Labour Market Story is an overarching narrative paper that summarises employment and skills in the UK, and four thematic briefing papers. This paper analyses current and recent performance of the UK economy and its position internationally, drivers of growth, and the contribution of skills to growth. It explores changes in the labour market and identifies challenges and opportunities for the UK.

  • The Labour Market Story: The State of UK Skills

    Jul 2014 | UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES)

    The Labour Market Story is an overarching narrative paper that summarises employment and skills in the UK, and four thematic briefing papers. This paper covers the supply of skills and mismatches between supply and demand for skills. It provides an analysis of the stock of skills in the labour market and identifies skills gaps, shortages, under-use and mismatches in an increasingly polarised labour market.