
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    Infographic: Change Capable Teams

    Carter A | Mar 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Infographic summarising Dr Alison Carter's Change-Capable Teams research, supporting the practitioner's guide Changing Together: Change Tools For Teams

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    Infographic: Improving access for the most able but least likely

    Evaluation of the Realising Opportunities programme

    Mar 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This infographic presents the key findings from the IES evaluation of Realising Opportunities, a unique collaboration of leading, research intensive universities, working together to promote fair access and social mobility of students from groups underrepresented in higher education.

  • Strategic Human Resource Management: Back to the future?

    Strategic Human Resource Management: Back to the future?

    A literature review

    Armstrong M, Brown D | Feb 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This IES and CIPD report pulls together the evidence on the impact of Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) on the performance of employers, their employees and wider society.

  • Slides: Capitalising on neurodiverse talent

    Optimising the talents of diverse thinkers

    Hey Z, Iceton L, Callen A, Gray H, Goldman A | Feb 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies, River & Mercantile Group, Auticon

    Ian Iceton, Amanda Callen, Helen Gray, Adam Goldman and Liz Hey's slides from IES HR workshop 'Capitalising on neurodiverse talent', 7 February 2019.

  • Planning and preparing for later life: A social survey feasibility study

    Planning and preparing for later life: A social survey feasibility study

    Collins D, Toomse-Smith M, Comanaru R, Fenton C, Gloster R, Silcock D, Dodd T | Feb 2019 | Department for Work and Pensions

    What are the most appropriate and cost-effective means to get policy-relevant evidence on people’s behaviours and attitudes towards planning and preparation for later in life?

  • The impact of the minimum wage on employment and hours

    The impact of the minimum wage on employment and hours

    Interim Report

    Capuano S, Cockett J, Gray H | Feb 2019 | Low Pay Commission

    This paper describes the data and methods used for the identification and estimation of the effects of the introduction of the National Living Wage (NLW) and the upratings of the National Minimum Wage (NMW) on employment and working hours, with a special emphasis on the impact on young people.

  • Which way now for HR and organisational changes?

    Which way now for HR and organisational changes? IES Perspectives on HR 2018

    Jan 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    IES' annual series of reflections on contemporary employment concepts and challenges continues, with essays from our team of researchers and consultants.

  • Designing and testing a return on investment tool for EAPs

    Designing and testing a return on investment tool for EAPs

    Final report

    Bevan S, Bajorek Z | Jan 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    How we designed and tested a tool to assess whether investing in Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) can deliver a return on investment by reducing sickness absence and preventing mental health problems in the workplace.

  • 2019: a totally rewarding year?

    2019: a totally rewarding year?

    IES Perspectives on HR 2019

    Brown D | Jan 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    What can employers and policymakers do to make total rewards a reality for UK employees? In this paper, IES head of HR consultancy, Duncan Brown, analyses trends in total rewards, UK workplaces and the wider economy to consider the state of play on total rewards in UK organisations.

  • Improving access for the most able but least likely: Evaluation of the Realising Opportunities Programme

    Improving access for the most able but least likely: Evaluation of the Realising Opportunities Programme

    Williams M, Mellors-Bourne R | Jan 2019 | Realising Opportunities

    This report presents findings from our evaluation of the Realising Opportunities (RO) programme. RO is a programme for Year 12/13 students with good academic attainment but from disadvantaged backgrounds.