
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

All our pdf publications are free to access.

  • HRN

    Slides: Fit for purpose? Helping employers to meet the wellbeing challenges of 2030

    Bevan, S | Jan 2020 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Steve Bevan's slides from the IES HR Network Annual Conference 'Fit for Purpose? Helping employers to meet the wellbeing challenges of 2030', 16 January 2020, London

  • HRN

    Slides: Health and wellbeing: Becoming an age-friendly employer

    Thomson, P | Jan 2020 | Centre for Ageing Better

    Patrick Thomson's slides from the IES HR Network Annual Conference 'Health and wellbeing: Becoming an age-friendly employer', 16 January 2020, London

  • HRN

    Slides: Work as a health outcome. Where are we? Now and the future

    Hampton, R | Jan 2020 | Public Health England

    Dr Rob Hampton's slides from IES HR Network Annual Conference 'Work as a health outcome. Where are we? Now and the future', 16 January 2020, London

  • HRN

    Slides: Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace

    Black, C | Jan 2020 | NHSI and PHE, England

    Dame Carol Black's slides from the IES HR Network Annual Conference 'Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace', 16 January 2020, London

  • The impact of the minimum wage on employment and hours

    The impact of the minimum wage on employment and hours

    Capuano S, Cockett J, Gray H, Papoutsaki D | Dec 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The purpose of this report is to estimate the impact of the introduction of the NLW in April 2016 and its successive uprating on employment and hours worked.

  • Research to inform workforce planning and career development in legal services

    Employment trends, workforce projections and solicitor firm perspectives

    Williams M, Buzzeo J, Cockett J, Capuano S, Takala H  | Dec 2019 | The Law Society of England and Wales

    The report presents findings from a research study to undertake workforce modelling for the legal services sector over the next ten years, and interviews with legal services employers to explore their workforce and skills issues and approaches to workforce planning.

  • Labour market segmentation: Piloting new empirical and policy analyses

    Newton B, Takala H, Byford M | Dec 2019 | Eurofound

    This report on behalf of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions is focused on identifying labour market interventions aimed at combating labour market segmentation.

  • Progression in Employment: Employer Toolkit & Case Study Collection

    Lucy D, Bajorek Z | Dec 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This employer toolkit and case study collection is published by IES with the support of J.P. Morgan under their global New Skills at Work initiative.  This page has been updated in November 2020 to include a digital version of the employer...

  • Illustration: Progression in Employment conference

    Dec 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    A visual representation of all topics covered at the IES Progression in Employment conference.

  • Infographic: Realistic Job Previews

    Carter A | Nov 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This infographic summarises the findings from research conducted by IES into realistic job previews to recruit and retain key professionals. The infographic details best use examples, potential benefits and top tips for employers.