
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

All our pdf publications are free to access.

  • Does Employing Older Workers Affect Workplace Performance?

    Bryson A, Forth J, Gray H, and Stokes L | Sep 2019 | IZA Institute of Labor Economics

    Focusing on private sector workplaces in Britain, this report investigates whether the employment of older workers has implications for workplace performance.

  • Slides: Social mobility in the Ministry of Justice

    Aug 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Drew Morris' slides from IES HR workshop 'Unlocking talent through social mobility', 18 July 2019, London

  • Slides: Unlocking talent through social mobility

    Lucy, D | Aug 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Dan Lucy's slides from IES HR workshop 'Unlocking talent through social mobility', 18 July 2019, London

  • Pilot and feasibility study on the sustainability and effectiveness of results for European Social Fund participants using counterfactual impact evaluations

    Ciffolilli, A., De Castris, M., Kluve, J., Naldini, A., Paggiaro, A., Pompili, M., Capuano, S., Gray, H. and Broughton, A.  | Jul 2019 | European Commission Directorate-General for Employment Social Affairs and Inclusion

    The ‘Pilot and feasibility study on the sustainability and effectiveness of results for ESF participants using CIEs’ is aimed at assessing the feasibility of counterfactual impact evaluation (CIE) as an advantageous evaluation method of ESF...

  • Slides: Understanding the conditions for successful mental health training for managers

    IES’ research approach and emerging findings

    Edwards, M | Jun 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Megan Edwards' slides from IES HR workshop 'Line managers and their role in employee wellbeing', 20 June 2019, London

  • Slides: The importance of line managers for employee wellbeing

    Are the squeezed middle too squeezed?

    Bajorek, Z | Jun 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Zofia Bajorek's slides from IES HR workshop 'Line managers and their role in employee wellbeing' , 20 June 2019, London

  • Estimating the impact of Traineeships

    Final Report

    Dorsett R, Gray H, Speckesser S, Stokes L | Jun 2019 | Department for Education

    Based on the analysis of national administrative data, this report estimates the effect of participating in a Traineeship on the three intended outcomes of progress into an apprenticeship, further learning or employment.

  • Infographic: Career Provision in Colleges: What Works?

    Williams J | Jun 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This infographic summarises the findings from research conducted by IES into careers provision in colleges. This shows the impact of good college careers provision and lessons for colleges to take forward in order to meet the Gatsby benchmarks.

  • Health Coaching: Innovation and Adoption

    Health Coaching: Innovation and Adoption

    Stories of impact from NHS organisations

    Edwards M, Carter A, Hey L, Arnill Graham K  | Jun 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report explores four case studies of successful health coaching adoption, adaptation and embedding, and explores the impact they report has resulted from health coaching.

  • Reflections and insights from a place-based approach to implementing coaching

    Better Conversations Test and Learn Pilot at Berkeley Vale

    Carter A, Hey L | Jun 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The focus of the ‘test and learn’ training pilot exercise at Berkeley Vale was to generate learning about ‘how’ health coaching is introduced in support of an Integrated Care System (ICS) to integrate working practices and create an ICS culture.