We author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.
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Webinar: Obesity Stigma at Work: Improving Inclusion & Productivity
Bajorek Z, Bevan S, Brown D, Black C | Dec 2020 | Institute for Employment StudiesA webinar discussing research findings from the first output of the PURPOSE programme, looking at improving national productivity levels via better employment and labour market outcomes for those living with overweight or obesity.
Promoting an Age-Inclusive Workforce
Living, Learning and Earning Longer
OECD Directorate of Employment with IES contributions from Newton B, Bevan S, Vanderleyden J | Dec 2020 | OECDThis report debunks several myths and demonstrates the positive impact of age diversity and inclusion on a firm’s long-term competitive growth and organisational resilience.
Labour Market Statistics, December 2020
Dec 2020 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis briefing note sets out analysis of the Labour Market Statistics published on 15 December 2020.
The impacts of the coronavirus crisis on the labour market
Analysis of quarterly Labour Force Survey data
Williams M, Cockett J, Boustati A, Ebanks-Silvera D, Wilson T | Dec 2020 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis paper sets out analysis of the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, using quarterly and longitudinal Labour Force Survey data covering the period from July to September 2020.
Global Wage Report 2020-21
Wages and minimum wages in the time of Covid-19
Dec 2020 | International Labour OrganizationThis report, by the International Labour Organization, examines the evolution of real wages around the world, giving a unique picture of wage trends globally and by region.
Reforming employment status
Building a stronger foundation for employment rights
Brown D, Holmes J | Nov 2020 | Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)This report works through the issues associated with employment status and assesses the viable methods of simplification and reform on offer.
Obesity stigma at work
Improving inclusion and productivity
Bajorek Z, Bevan S | Nov 2020 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis report is the first output of the PURPOSE programme (Promoting Understanding and Research into Productivity, Obesity Stigma and Employment). The programme, funded by Novo Nordisk, focusses on improving national productivity levels via better employment and labour market outcomes for those living with overweight or obesity.
Caring without sharing
Single parents’ journey through the Covid-19 crisis (interim report)
Clery E, Dewar L, Papoutsaki D | Nov 2020 | Gingerbread / Institute for Employment StudiesThis report looks at the impact of the Covid-19 Crisis on single parents. It focuses on single parent workers who were not defined as ‘critical workers’ and who are likely to have faced the greatest challenges in terms of needing to work and care simultaneously during lockdown.
Labour Market Statistics, November 2020
Nov 2020 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis briefing note sets out analysis of the Labour Market Statistics published this morning (11 November).
Monthly vacancy analysis: Vacancy trends to week-ending 11 October 2020
Papoutsaki D, Wilson T | Nov 2020 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis monthly briefing describes changes in online vacancies over the month to 11 October.