Covid class of 2020, and beyond
Supporting Sussex learners and potential learners
Sussex Learning Network (SLN) commissioned IES to lead research to support its implementation of a collaborative ‘Pan Sussex’ approach to ensuring all learners and potential learners in Sussex (young people and adults) are able to make effective transitions within education and training as a protective measure against the economic storm created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The SLN recognises that supporting learners to continue in education and training will help individuals avoid the worst of the social and economic scarring that will result from inactivity in this crucial phase of life
The research and this report provide insights into the impact of the crisis on:
■ the local labour market;
■ young people in Sussex, including those at risk of, or becoming not engaged in education, employment or training (NEET), as well as mature learners and potential learners; and
■ the education sector: and its current and future response on:
- careers advice and guidance;
- employability, vocational/technical and transferable skills; and
- provision types and modes.
To this end, IES has undertaken analyses of labour market and education data and led a series of qualitative interviews with education and training providers, Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and Local Authorities (LAs) and other stakeholders.
The research addresses the following questions:
■ How has the COVID-19 lockdown affected the Sussex economy and labour market?
■ What early lessons can we draw to hypothecate the medium- and long-term impact of COVID-19?
■ Where and who are Sussex learners and potential learners, and what are the key risks that the Pan Sussex approach should seek to mitigate?