
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    Graduate Salaries and Vacancies 1995

    Court G, Jagger N | Nov 1994 | Association of Graduate Recruiters

    This publication is no longer available.

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    The IES Graduate Review, 1994

    Court G, Connor H, Jagger N | Oct 1994 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Each year the IES Graduate Review presented the latest information on higher education and the graduate recruitment market. The 1994 review looked at the characteristics of the student population and the way in which their experience of higher education was changing. This publication is no longer available.

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    Evaluation of Workstart Pilots

    Atkinson J, Meager N | Oct 1994 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Workstart was a wage subsidy programme, targeted at the very long-term unemployed. It provided employers with a subsidy for one year of £2,340 for each long term unemployed person they took on. Four pilot schemes were set up in Spring 1993, in Tyneside, Devon and Cornwall, East Kent and South West London, to test the effectiveness of this approach. This report presents the findings of an evaluation of these pilots, conducted in August 1994 among 399 participating employers in the four pilot areas. This publication is no longer available.

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    The Position of Women in the Economy and Labour Market in the East Midlands

    Dench S, Court G, Moralee J, Frost D | Oct 1994 | Government Office for the East Midlands

    This publication is no longer available.

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    The Training Benefits of Big Science

    Connor H, Court G, Morris S | Sep 1994 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report is about postgraduate training in big science - particle physics, space science and astronomy - and whether any significant differences exist in training outcomes, for the discipline areas. It comprises a survey of PhD students at a number of universities which showed similarities between big and small science in terms of academic abilities, personal characteristics and motivation for taking a PhD. This publication is no longer available.

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    Self-Employment and the Distribution of Income

    Meager N, Court G, Moralee J | Aug 1994 | Institute of Manpower Studies

    The number of self-employed people in the UK nearly doubled during the 1980s. This study is based on an extensive review of existing research and data sources about the incomes of the self-employed. This publication is no longer available.

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    Getting Unemployed Adults into Jobs: Does Jobsearch Training add Value to ‘Training for Work’?

    Atkinson J | Aug 1994 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Training for Work was the main public programme in the UK to help long-term unemployed adults to find jobs. One of the ways in which it sought to achieve this was through improving the jobseeking skills of its participants. This report considered how effective Training for Work was in practice. This publication is no longer available.

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    Pharmacy Manager’s Skill Mix Tool Kit, Booklets 1 to 8

    Strebler M T | Aug 1994 | Institute for Employment Studies

    These publications are no longer available.

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    The Role of Job Evaluation

    Hillage J | Jul 1994 | Institute of Manpower Studies

    This report looks at the role of job evaluation in modern organisations through a series of case studies, discussions with consultants and others, and a study of the literature. This publication is no longer available.

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    Employers’ Policies and Attitudes Towards Check-Off

    Atkinson J, Hillage J | Jul 1994 | Institute of Manpower Studies

    This publication is no longer available. This study examines the policies of larger employers on the deduction of trade union subscriptions through the pay packet. It considers the implications of the changes introduced in the Trade Union Reform and Employment Rights Act (1993) and concludes that few employers appear to be considering major changes, preferring to continue existing arrangements.