
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • The Changing Role of Recruitment Intermediaries

    Wolfe H, Hartley V | Mar 2005 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This research explores the role of recruitment intermediaries and some of the factors that are affecting them, alongside the changes in the recruitment market. Intermediaries face threats to business: the growth of e-recruitment and shared services in organisations, for example.

  • Reporting on Human Capital Management

    Hartley V, Robey D | Mar 2005 | Institute for Employment Studies

    During the year post-Kingsmill (2004), there were considerable developments in the area of human capital reporting. This report tracks these changes, and aims to provide HR professionals and others, with an overview of the developments in reporting requirements related to human capital, so that they will be better prepared to draft human capital reports within statutory reporting requirements.

  • Gender Segregation in Apprenticeships

    Miller L, Pollard E, Neathey F, Hill D, Ritchie H | Mar 2005 | Equal Opportunities Commission

    This research focuses on apprenticeships. Previously called 'modern apprenticeships' (MAs), these are currently the main vocational training route into work for young people in Britain. The aim of the research was to investigate what the national Learning and Skills Council and its local arms (LLSCs) have done to address gender segregation in MAs. A further aim was to consider the actions taken by partner organisations that work with LLSCs, such as training providers, employers, the Connexions service and Education Business Partnerships (EBPs). This publication is no longer available.

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    Employee Assistance Programmes

    Newton L, Hayday S, Barkworth R | Mar 2005 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper identifies why organisations chose to offer Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs), as well as what provision is available, and how organisations decide on a certain provider and service. It looks at how effectively organisations monitor employee usage and satisfaction. The paper guides employers in what to bear in mind when considering providing an EAP, as well as suggestions for evaluating existing EAPs.

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    Stress Audits

    What you Need to Know

    Newton L, Hayday S, Silverman M | Mar 2005 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This review addresses current issues involved in measuring workplace stress. It begins by discussing what a stress audit is and what information it produces. Other issues, such as the validity and reliability of stress audits, the potential benefits and pitfalls of assessing stress, what products are available, the implications of conducting stress audits and what next steps to take after conducting one, are also addressed.

  • Platform for Progression: Employer Training Pilots

    Second Year Evaluation Report

    Hillage J, Loukas G, Newton B, Tamkin P | Mar 2005 | Department for Education and Skills

    The Employer Training Pilots (ETP) were introduced in six Local Learning & Skills Council (LSC) areas in September 2002, initially for one year. They were subsequently extended for a second year a further six pilots were added. An initial evaluation report was published in November 2003 and this report presents an assessment of progress at the end of August 2004.

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    Employment of Young People in Retail and Hospitality

    Neathey F, Ritchie H, Silverman M | Feb 2005 | Low Pay Commission

    This publication is no longer available. In December 2003 the Low Pay Commission commissioned research focusing on the employment of young people in the retail and hospitality sectors. These sectors are both major employers of young workers and also include relatively high proportions of low-paying employers.

  • Fishing for Talent in a Wider Pool

    Trends and Dilemmas in Corporate Graduate Recruitment

    Barber L, Hill D, Hirsh W, Tyers C | Feb 2005 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report presents the results from an audit of corporate graduate recruitment websites and 40 interviews in ten case-study organisations. The research examines whether graduate recruitment is meeting UK business needs and whether selection practices may discriminate against graduates from non-traditional backgrounds. It has key messages for employers, universities and careers advisors.

  • Recruitment and Retention of Teachers with Industrial or Professional Experience

    Strebler M, Neathey F, Tackey N D | Feb 2005 | Learning and Skills Development Agency

    This is the report of the project on recruitment and retention of teachers with industrial experience and from other parts of the sector conducted on behalf of the Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA) by the Institute for Employment Studies (IES). The project aimed to investigate the strategies and practices used by colleges to attract, retain and develop teachers with current industrial experience or from other parts of the sector.

  • What Makes a Good Employer?

    Rafferty AM, Maben J, West E, Robinson D | Feb 2005 | International Council of Nurses

    This document summarises underlying evidence and issues related to good human resource management in the health sector with reference to: indicators of performance and measurement of nursing outcomes; performance issues related to individuals and teams; and employee engagement, commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour.