
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Tracking learning outcomes

    Evaluation of the impact of Ufi

    Tyers C, Sinclair A | Aug 2004 | Department for Education and Skills

    Ufi Ltd was established in 1998 to fulfil its vision of a 'university for industry'. The delivery network was launched in Autumn 2000, with two main products: an independent national learning information and advice service, and a network of learning centres both operated as learndirect. This evaluation follows a strategic initial evaluation in 2002 and tracks the progress of individuals for up to two years from their initial contact with learndirect.

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    The Annual Small Business Survey 2003: UK

    Atkinson J, Hurstfield J | Aug 2004 | Small Business Service

    The Annual Small Business Survey 2003 was a telephone survey of over 8,000 small and medium-sized businesses in the UK. Its main purpose was to gauge the needs and concerns of small businesses and identify the barriers which prevented them from fulfilling their potential.

  • Skills Pay

    The Contribution of Skills to Business Success

    Tamkin P, Giles L, Campbell M, Hillage J | Aug 2004 | Sector Skills Development Agency

    UK productivity has shown a relative decline since the late nineteenth century. This has caused policy makers to seek underlying causes and one of the most durable concerns has focused on skill levels in the UK. The most straightforward comparisons of qualification levels in the workforce for different countries demonstrate that the UK has lower skill levels than our competitor nations. This may therefore be a contributor to the productivity gap.

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    CSR Bibliography

    Articles of Interest to the HR Function

    Wolfe H | Jul 2004 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This bibliography lists and details some of the literature which is useful to those looking at CSR practices. It is one of a set of three IES research papers about the topic.

  • Socio-Economic Research in the Information Society

    A User's Guide from the RESPECT Project

    Huws U | Jul 2004 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This guide is designed as an introduction to socio-economic research for the broader community of research users. It will be of use to research funders, research hosts, research evaluators and reviewers, legal professionals providing advice to researchers, employers and managers of researchers and those involved, both as teachers and as students, in research training, as well as the broad community of socio-economic researchers themselves.

  • Lone Parents, Health and Work

    Casebourne J, Britton L, Morrin M | Jul 2004 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This report brings together two pieces of qualitative research examining the impact of health problems on lone parents' decisions about work. In 2003 and 2004, 112 interviews and six focus groups were carried out with lone parents. The research examines the complex relationship between health and work for lone parents and determines whether there is more that can be done to support lone parents with health problems and, in particular, to help them enter the labour market.

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    Promoting a Healthy Workforce

    Hayday S | Jul 2004 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Workplace health promotion is a subject with which HR professionals are finding themselves involved more frequently these days. It has often been seen as the exclusive preserve of occupational health professionals, but with increasing concern over sickness absence and stress problems among employees, it is an area in which HR staff now need to have more than a passing knowledge.

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    ESF Leavers Survey 2002 Objective 3: England

    Atkinson J | Jun 2004 | European Social Fund

    This report presents results of a survey of 3,431 individual beneficiaries who left projects supported under ESF Objective 3 in England during the latter part of 2002. There was considerable variety between different kinds and circumstances of beneficiary, but underpinned by fairly widespread experience of disadvantage across much of the cohort.

  • Digest of Engineering

    Statistics 2003/4 - Technologist Data Annex

    Jagger N | Jun 2004 | The Engineering and Technology Board

    This publication is no longer available. This data annex provides background data for the review of the 'professional technologist' by the Engineering Technology Board. It gives basic data and brief analytical commentary from the Labour Force Survey. The report also introduces and documents a series of data classifications that it is hoped provide a useful way of examining the available data.

  • Why the Difference?

    A closer look at higher education minority ethnic students and graduates

    Connor H, Tyers C, Modood T, Hillage J | Jun 2004 | Department for Education and Skills

    This report, by IES for the Department for Education and Skills, contains the findings of a major research study over two years. It shows the various influences on minority ethnic participation and their achievement in higher education, and their transitions to the labour market. It presents the most comprehensive and detailed picture yet to emerge. The distribution of minority ethnic students is strongly skewed to particular universities, and they are underrepresented in some key subjects.