
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    Women in London's Economy: Qualitative Research

    Hurstfield J, Miller L, Page R, Willison R, Loukas G | Dec 2005 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This qualitative research examines: influences on women's employment choices, perceptions and experiences; attitudes to training and employment of women in sectors identified as areas of growth by GLA Economics (financial services; legal services; ICT; creative and media; and administration); work and employment practices that form barriers to equality in these sectors; and other specific policies and practice, including best practice.

  • Women in London's Economy

    GLA | Dec 2005 | Greater London Authority

    This research for the Greater London Authority (GLA) showed that by 2016, it was expected that women would fill seven out of ten new jobs in London, with an extra half a million jobs in the capital. The main key sectors for growth in women's employment during the decade were predicted to be in business service and also health, education, and retail. The GLA commissioned IES to carry out and report on the qualitative research detailed in this report.

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    Vocational Education and Training in the UK

    Page R, Hillage J | Dec 2005 | Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fur Socialforschung

    The WZB Social Science Research Centre in Berlin commissioned a series of discussion papers from a number of researchers throughout Europe to examine employer-sponsored training in their own countries, in order to aid interpretation, comparison and analysis of the Continuing Vocational Training Survey and to help understand the causes of differences in the data. This paper examines employer-sponsored training for adults in the UK.

  • Employee Involvement

    Information, Consultation and Discretion

    Gifford J, Neathey F, Loukas G | Nov 2005 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report presents five in-depth case studies of organisations with established and progressive employee involvement practices, and relates them to existing literature on the subject.

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    An Evaluation of Adult Learners' Week 2005

    Page R, Pollard E | Nov 2005 | National Institute for Adult and Continuing Education

    In May 2005, NIACE commissioned IES to conduct an independent evaluation of Adult Learners' Week 2005. The evaluation built on the previous year's evaluation, and specifically aimed to review and evaluate the reach and depth of ALW; identify and evaluate the nature and spread of events; review the scale and nature of media coverage; explore understanding of the aims and objectives of ALW; identify and evaluate the general impact of the Week and perceptions of its value for money. This publication is no longer available.

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    The Labour Market Participation and Employment of Disabled People in the UK

    Meager N, Hill D | Nov 2005 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper represents the contribution by the Institute for Employment Studies to the first stage in a research project on disability and employment, supported by the Norwegian Work Research Institute through a contract from the Norwegian Research Council. The research involves a comparison of disability in three contrasting sectors - construction, ICT and health - in three countries - Britain, the Netherlands and Norway.

  • Evaluation of the Working Neighbourhoods Pilot - Year One

    Dewson S | Nov 2005 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This report presents the interim findings from the first year of the evaluation of the Working Neighbourhoods Pilot (WNP). The WNP was established in April 2004 to test a new approach to offering intensive support to help people to gain work. The pilot was targeted towards people who were without work, including claimants of Jobseeker's Allowance, Income Support, Incapacity Benefit, partners of claimants and workless non-claimants.

  • Training Participation by Age Amongst Unemployed and Inactive People

    Newton B, Hurstfield J, Miller L, Akroyd K, Gifford J | Oct 2005 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This project examined the evidence relating to training by age amongst people who were unemployed or economically inactive. The focus was on all adults aged between 16 and state pension age. This report presents the findings of three strands of research: a review of the evaluation and academic literature; analyses of the Labour Force Survey 2004 and National Adult Learning Survey 2002; and 22 interviews with individuals from 16 organisations with in-depth knowledge of the topic.

  • What Employers Look for When Recruiting the Unemployed and Inactive

    Skills, Characteristics and Qualifications

    Newton B, Hurstfield J, Miller L, Page R, Akroyd K | Oct 2005 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This study aimed to examine what employers seek when recruiting, and the extent to which government provision meets their needs. The focus was on unemployed and inactive adults aged between 16 and state pension age. A secondary aim was to explore whether there were differences in employers' requirements by age.

  • New Deal for Disabled People

    Survey of Employers

    Dewson S, Ritchie H, Meager N | Oct 2005 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This report presents the main findings from a representative national survey of nearly 1,500 employers who had recruited individuals registered under the New Deal for Disabled People (NDDP) during the period July 2002 to July 2003. It aimed to provide a quantitative assessment of the nature and scale of employer involvement with the programme, as a complement to two waves of qualitative research with employers (undertaken in 2002 and 2003).