
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • e-Recruitment

    Practices and trends in Ireland

    Reilly P, Barber L | Jul 2006 | Public Appointments Service, Ireland

    This report provides an overview of e-recruitment practices and trends in Ireland, to identify what e-recruitment methods are being used and what benefits are being experienced by organisations using these methods. A discussion of likely future developments in the area of e-recruitment is also provided.

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    Learner Support Funds

    Second Evaluation

    Tyers C, Bates P | Jul 2006 | Department for Education and Skills

    This report focuses on the analyses and impact of Learner Support Funds (LSF) in the evolving student support funding environment. It evaluates how effective the funds are in reaching and supporting the target groups and their effect on encouraging participation, retention, achievement and progression. The evaluation included analysis of Learning and Skills Council data, a survey of FE institutions and learners, and case studies.

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    UK National Public Policy Initiatives and Regulations Affecting Disabled People's Labour Market Participation

    Meager N, Hill D | Jul 2006 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper presents the contribution of IES to the second stage of a research project on disability and employment, supported by the Norwegian Work Research Institute, with funding from the Norwegian Research Council. The research involves a comparison of three contrasting sectors (construction, ICT and health) in Norway, the UK and the Netherlands. This report aims to provide an overview of the UK national public policy initiatives and regulations which affect the participation of disabled people in the labour market.

  • Impact Evaluation of Five Steps to Risk Assessment

    Neathey F, Sinclair A, Rick J, Ballard J, Hunt W, Denvir A | Jun 2006 | Health and Safety Executive

    This report, which presents an evaluation of the impact of the HSE's Five Steps to Risk Assessment leaflet as well as the Five Steps approach more generally, is based on survey and case study research on risk assessment behaviour in establishments across Great Britain.

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    The Quest for High Performing HR People

    it's not just about skills

    Paul Fairhurst | Jun 2006 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper argues that, in addition to the traditional HR knowledge and skills, high performing senior HR staff need the right mindset, attitudes and beliefs. Those with the right personal characteristics will add significant value to their organisations and will be given the respect and status that they desire.

  • Employer Training Pilots

    Final Evaluation Report

    Hillage J, Loukas G, Newton B, Tamkin P | Jun 2006 | Department for Education and Skills

    The evaluation of the Employer Training Pilots was conducted by IES in partnership with the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) and MORI, with the aim of assessing the nature and extent of the take-up of the ETP offer, and examining the key issues affecting how the pilots operate in practice and the experiences of the employers and employees who take part.

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    Evaluation of the Safe Learner Pilot

    Miller L, Hunt W | Jun 2006 | Institute for Employment Studies

    In 2005 IES was commissioned by the LSC to determine the extent to which its safe learner model was successful in raising learner awareness and knowledge about health and safety. This document reports the design, conduct and outcomes of that evaluation of the impact of the pilot on learner knowledge.

  • Young Apprenticeships

    Equal Opportunities

    Newton B, Miller L, Akroyd K, Tuohy S | May 2006 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Following the Equal Opportunities Commission's concern that greater and earlier vocationalism might lead to more gender-stereotyped curriculum choices, the Department for Education and Skills commissioned this research to evaluate how equal opportunities for young apprenticeships were being addressed in practice and to assess early signs of impact. The report focuses on capturing current examples of good practice.

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    Watching Me, Watching You

    the Search for Safe Supervisory Practice

    Miller L, Jagger N | May 2006 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This research indicates that the types of factors identified within models of safety culture are present in good practice organisations, although not all aspects were present in each organisation. Perhaps of more importance is the fact that the research revealed that safety culture theory largely ignores issues to do with the development of health and safety awareness and responsibilities in learners in the workplace and training locations. Given that these are among the most vulnerable individuals this omission needs to be addressed.

  • The UK Veterinary Profession in 2006

    The Findings of a Survey of the Profession Conducted by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

    Robinson D, Hooker H | May 2006 | Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

    This report presents the results of the 2006 Survey of the Profession, carried out on behalf of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS). The 2006 survey is the fourth survey carried out by the RCVS. The membership was also surveyed in 1998, 2000 and 2002. Throughout this report, where possible and appropriate, results are compared with those of previous surveys. The aim of these membership surveys is to provide RCVS, and other interested parties, with an evidence-based view of the veterinary profession and the changes taking place within it.