
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Customers - who are they, what do they want and should HR give it to them?

    Reilly P, Central Banking Training Course / seminar series, Central Banking Events, Cambridge, September 2009

  • Moderator: Increasing the Participation of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in Employment

    Marangozov R, ESF Learning Network, Berlin, September 2009

  • (Moderator) Managing Restructuring in UK: Lesson learnt from past experience and future perspectives

    Brougton A, ILO UK National Seminar on Restructuring, London, September 2009

  • The challenges HR faces in the public sector and its response

    Reilly P, Delegation from the Personnel Division of Guangzhou Municipality, China, Sino-UK Exchange Centre, London Docklands, September 2009

  • Participant

    Cox A, Work and Skills Roundtable, Resolution Foundation, London, September 2009

  • Low skills and policy

    Tamkin P, Resolution Foundation Seminar, London, September 2009

  • Rewards in recession

    Brown D, Eversheds HR Summer School, Eversheds, Ashridge, July 2009

  • Women in Senior Management: Is the Glass Ceiling Still Intact?

    Broughton A, Miller L, Industrial Relations in Europe Conference 2009, Industrial Relations In Europe (IREC), Istanbul, July 2009

  • Human rights and the working conditions of migrants in the UK

    Pillai R, The Migrant Workforce and the UK Economy – the effect of new legislation, Westminster Legal Policy Forum, London, July 2009

  • Re-engaging young people through the Activity Agreements: the perspectives of young people and their advisers

    Newton B, Levesley T, NEETS: what the research says, A London Region Post-14 Network Conference, Universtiy of London Institue of Education, July 2009