
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Manage downsizing, while maintaining morale and controlling risk

    Reilly P, Local Government Workforce Leaders Conference, IDeA/LGE/LGA, London, December 2009

  • Reward strategy

    Brown D, Leading Employee Engagement in Recession and Beyond, Cranfield University School of Management, Cranfield, December 2009

  • Pay and performance

    Reilly P, Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Guangxi Zhuang National Autonomous Region, China, UK China Training Ltd, Ruislip, December 2009

  • Talent management in practice

    Hirsh W, Towards World-Class HR in the North West, NHS North West, Blackpool, December 2009

  • Greening the European Economy: overview of the main issues

    Broughton A, Expert meeting on industrial relations and sustainability, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Brussels, December 2009

  • Co-ordinator and chair

    Meager N, Peer review: Measuring the impact of active inclusion and other policies to combat poverty and social exclusion, EU Peer Review in Social Inclusion and Social Protection, Paris, France, December 2009

  • The Experiences of Apprentices from Minority Groups

    Miller L, Careers and Diversity Interest Group, SummitSkills, London, December 2009

  • Challenging times – opportunities for HR

    Reilly P, Cabinet Office New Generation HR London Group, Cabinet Office, London, December 2009

  • World Class HR

    Reilly P, NHSI Workforce Matters Workshop SW England, NHS Institute, Taunton, November 2009

  • Increasing the effectiveness of reward management: an evidence-based approach

    Brown D, Reilly P, Armstrong M, European Reward Management Conference, European Institute for Advanced Studies, Brussels, November 2009