IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.
See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.
Rewards: building the balance in recession
Brown D, Reward and Benefits 09, Osney Media, London, May 2009
Re-engaging a post change workforce
Garrow V, CMC Best Practice Event, London, May 2009
Reward strategy workshop
Brown D, Osney Media, London, May 2009
HR consulting: the real story
Brown D, CIPD West London branch seminar, London, May 2009
Managing Absence
Wilson S, Fit for work: reducing and preventing absence, Eversheds, Manchester, May 2009
Preventing future absence
Wilson S, Fit for work: reducing and preventing absence, Eversheds, Manchester, May 2009
Employee financial well-being: what should employers know and do about it?
Wilson S, Fit for work: reducing and preventing absence, Eversheds, Manchester, May 2009
Conducting HR Research Projects
Hirsh W, HR Society Workshop, HR Society, London, May 2009
Lessons from the Young Apprenticeships
Newton B, Researching Practice: Work Based Research in the Learning and Skills Sector, Further Education Research Association, London, May 2009
Danger! Apprentices at Work: how young workers learn to stay alive
Miller L, Researching Practice: Work Based Research in the Learning and Skills Sector, Further Education Research Association, London, May 2009