
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Managing Stress: experiences of implementing the HSE Management Standards

    Tyers C, Broughton A, Health at Work Summit 2009, Symposium, London, June 2009

  • Rewards and Employee Engagement: Just for the Good Times?

    Reilly P, Total Rewards 2009 Conference, WorldatWork, Seattle, June 2009

  • Lone Parent Obligations. A review of recent evidence on the work-related requirements within the benefit systems of different countries

    Gloster R, Finn, D, Casebourne J, Welfare to Work Convention, Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion, Liverpool, June 2009

  • Employee financial well-being: what should employers know and do about it?

    Tyers C, Fit for work: reducing and preventing absence, Eversheds, Cardiff, May 2009

  • Preventing future absence

    Tyers C, Fit for work: reducing and preventing absence, Eversheds, Cardiff, May 2009

  • Managing Absence

    Tyers C, Fit for work: reducing and preventing absence, Eversheds, Cardiff, May 2009

  • Employee financial well-being: what should employers know and do about it?

    Tyers C, Fit for work: reducing and preventing absence, Eversheds, Birmingham, May 2009

  • Managing Absence

    Tyers C, Fit for work: reducing and preventing absence, Eversheds, Birmingham, May 2009

  • Managing Absence

    Robinson D, Fit for work: reducing and preventing absence, Eversheds, London, May 2009

  • Preventing future absence

    Robinson D, Fit for work: reducing and preventing absence, Eversheds, London, May 2009