
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Bridging the gap between academia and policymakers

    Manzoni C, Pathways of Roma housing inclusion, Council of Europe, Turin, Italy, March 2015

  • Chair

    Hirsh W, Strategic Workforce Planning conference, Corporate Research Forum, London, March 2015

  • Staff engagement in HE: A tricky path to navigate

    Robinson D, ODHE Network conference, ODHE Network, Poole, March 2015

  • Challenges and trends for HR directors

    Reilly P, Regular meeting, HR Director’s network for HEIs, London, March 2015

  • Talent Management: How to focus and de-clutter

    Hirsh W, 'Bitesize' workshop, CIPD Sussex Branch, Lower Beeding, March 2015

  • Employee Engagement

    Robinson D, Lecture to Brighton Business School Masters CIPD students, Brighton Business School , Brighton, March 2015

  • Equal Pay: A Moving Target

    Brown D, Equal Pay: A Moving Target, Brighton University Business School and the Equality and Diversity Research Network, Brighton, March 2015

  • Practice = Performance: Re-setting the Leadership and Management Agenda for Improved Productivity

    Tamkin P, Taking Jersey Forward, Jersey Skills, Jersey, March 2015

  • Issues and Directions in People Management

    Hirsh W, UCEA Board Awayday, University and Colleges Employers Association, London, February 2015

  • Reward Strategy Masterclass

    Brown D, Kings College HR MsC Students, Kings College, January 2015