
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Impact on Business Operations and Emerging Approaches for an Ageing Workforce

    Cox A, Perry S, Working Overtime: The Ageing UK Workforce, GovKnow, London, June 2015

  • One size fits all? A strategic approach to total rewards

    Brown D, NHS Confederation Conference, Liverpoool, June 2015

  • Current trends and key issues in setting senior pay

    Brown D, Senior Pay in Higher Education Institutions, Universities and Colleges Employers Association, London, June 2015

  • Total Rewards: the future for HE or adopting a failed private sector model

    Brown D, Universities HR Annual Conference, UHR, Leeds, May 2015

  • Post election Employment Debate

    Brown D, The election and employment, Eversheds, London, May 2015

  • The Evidence and Viewpoints

    Brown D, Reforming Performance Pay Conference, High Pay Centre, May 2015

  • Barriers to coaching effectiveness

    Carter A, Blackman A, Sydney Network Forum, Australian Human Resources Institute, Learning Plan, Sydney, Australia, May 2015

  • Employee Engagement

    Robinson D, Lecture to International Masters students, Brighton Business School, Brighton, May 2015

  • Barriers to coaching effectiveness

    Carter A, Blackman A, Townsville Network Forum, Australian Human Resources Institute, Choice Training, Townsville, Australia, May 2015

  • HR Professional Development Workshop

    Carter A, Blackman A, HR Professional Development Workshop, College of Business, Economics & Law at James Cook University, Cairns & Townville, Australia, May 2015