
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Talent management - challenges for the future

    Hirsh W, HBOS HR masterclass: Identifying, developing and retaining: tools and techniques for talent management, HBOS, Edinburgh, November 2004

  • Developing the capacity of the HR function

    Carter A, Public Sector Consortium, CMPS/CIPD/ED, Admiralty House, London, November 2004

  • Tomorrow's scientists: where will we find them?

    Miller L, Energy and Culture: Conference Proceedings, Ashgate, November 2004

  • Benefiting from employee involvement

    Reilly P, Information and Consultation Regulations, Eversheds, London, Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle, Cardiff, Cambridge, November 2004

  • Promoting socially-sensitive industrial restructuring: an overview of practice in western Europe

    Broughton A, ILO/UNECE/Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) conference on public/private partnership in restructuring, Almaty, Kazakhstan, November 2004

  • Developing Learning Strategies

    Hirsh W, Skills Strategy Event, Cabinet Office, London, October 2004

  • Managers as developers of others

    Hirsh W, People as Assets, Best Practice in Central Government, MLI, London, October 2004

  • Employee Engagement

    Robinson D, Hayday S, Department for Work and Pensions, Department for Work and Pensions, Sheffield, October 2004

  • Psychological contracts in transition

    Garrow V, The Customer Excellence Conference, Blackpool, October 2004

  • Work-life balance in Europe

    Broughton A, Working Families conference on work-life balance, London, October 2004