
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Graduate Employment Choices in the East Midlands

    Pollard E, Williams M, Graduate Employment Choices, East Midlands Development Agency, EMDA Conference Centre, January 2005

  • Learning the Lessons from ETP

    Hillage J, NETP Acceleration Event, Learning & Skills Council, Jury’s Inn Hotel, Birmingham, January 2005

  • Culture, Performance and Pay Structures January 2005

    Reilly P, Welsh Local Government Association seminar, Welsh Local Government Association, Builth Wells, January 2005

  • The Skills Escalator and Workforce Modernisation

    McBride A, Hyde P, Cox A, Jackson G, international webinar/e-conference for practitioners across Australia, Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council, Sydney, Australia, 2005

  • Evaluation of Lone Parents Work Focussed Interviews and New Deal for Lone Parents

    Speckesser S, London School of Economics/PSI, Conference: Assessing the Impact of Active Labour Market Policy for Lone Parents and the UK New Deal for Lone Parents, London, 2005

  • Managers as Developers of Others

    Hirsh W, Studying Leadership Conference, Centre of Leadership Studies, University of Exeter, December 2004

  • Unpacking ethnicity and diversity in HE participation and graduate recruitment

    Connor H, Tyers C, Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE), Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE), Bristol University, December 2004

  • Managing your own career

    Hirsh W, Jackson C, BMJ Careers Fair, London, November 2004

  • Taking a Leap into the Future of HR

    Carter A, 11th Annual European Mentoring & Coaching Conference, Association of Management Education & Development, Hotel Bedford, Brussels, November 2004

  • Employer Training Pilots : A platform for progression?

    Hillage J, DfES Research Conference, DfES, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, November 2004