Projects and case studies

  • Engaging for Quality with NHS London

    IES worked with NHS London (the Strategic Health Authority for inner and outer London) to scope its future activity in the area of employee engagement. NHS London wanted to maintain the engagement momentum, following the Work Foundation's study to...

  • Local Health and Social Care Labour Market

    For Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust we conducted an analysis of the health and social care labour market in the Nottingham catchment area. The report was commissioned to inform their medium- to long-term workforce planning process. It...

  • Reviewing Reward in Context

    IES has been working with Scottish Natural Heritage to review and develop a number of components of their new reward strategy. The first of these has been to conduct a specific market rewards survey of 17 other relevant organisations. Scottish...

  • Career Paths of Chief Executives

    IES worked with NHS Yorkshire and the Humber to identify and understand the diverse career paths that chief executives of NHS trusts take in reaching this position. The aim of the project was to make public the variety of these paths, to encourage...

  • Understanding Doctoral Graduate Destinations

    IES helped Research Councils UK and other stakeholders understand better the career pathways of doctoral graduates and the impact they have on the economy and beyond. Analysis of options for longer-term study on the career pathways of doctoral...

  • Careers Advice Service Customer Progression Insight

    The Careers Advice Service was a universal guidance service aimed at adults (it was previously known as learndirect telephone careers advice). It formed a key part of the system to deliver the adult advancement and careers service in 2010. The aim...

  • Involving Children and Young People in Improving Local Health Services

    IES carried out a longitudinal evaluation of two associated products for the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement: a tool for healthcare professionals and a lesson plan for schools. These were designed to promote the involvement of...

  • Mental Health and Employment

    IES, in partnership with the Social Policy Research Unit at York University participated in a major project on mental health and employment, for the Department of Work and Pensions. IES looked at employers' policies and practices towards people...

  • Early Mediation in Occupational Health

    The At Work Partnership and IES developed a pilot project to provide occupational health professionals with mediation skills and to evaluate the impact of their intervention in cases of ill-health and injury. IES researchers interviewed experts...

  • Advice on HEFCE's HE Workforce Framework

    HEFCE asked IES to act as a 'critical friend' in drawing up its Higher Education workforce framework document, which is intended to provide support to HE institutions as they draw up their plans for the future. This mainly comprised assessing the...