Projects and case studies

  • Evaluation of the Advanced Network Prototypes (ANP)

    The Advanced Network Prototypes (ANPs) are part of a new adult advancement and careers service for England, as described in this Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills:

  • Council Succession and Talent Management Strategy

    IES worked with Birmingham City Council on implementation of its succession and talent management strategy. Birmingham is the largest city council in Europe and has already shown itself to be innovative in deploying the skills of its staff during...

  • Climate Change and the Green Economy

    IES was commissioned by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin, to co-ordinate an international comparative survey about government and social partner policies, initiatives, actions and tools that...

  • Health Benefits of Post-compulsory Education, Training and Lifelong Learning

    In partnership with University College London, IES undertook a literature review on the health benefits of post-compulsory education, training and lifelong learning that will feed into the Department of Health's Post 2010 Review of Health...

  • Evaluation of Occupational Health Provision on the Olympic Park

    IES has been commissioned by the Health Safety Executive and the Olympic Delivery Authority to conduct a review of the occupational health provision during the construction phase of the London Olympic and Paralympic Games. Data will be collected...

  • Impact Assessment for Local Government

    Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA) asked IES to support them in building impact assessment capacity in the public sector by developing capability among staff in PCTs and Local Authorities. IES provided a combination of specialist training...

  • The Future of Learning and Development in the Workplace

    IES worked with Training Journal and a consortium of sponsors to explore the future of Learning and Development in the workplace. In this second phase of the project, the particular focus was on the skill set that would be required of L&D...

  • Effectiveness of the Work-based Assessment Method

    A rapid evidence review was undertaken of literature relating to work-based assessment for the National Police Improvement Agency. Two questions were addressed in the review: what works in terms of using a ‘work-based assessment’ methodology for...

  • Tackling Inequities in Representation of Particular Groups in Apprenticeship Programmes

    The aim of this project for the Learning and Skills Council was to undertake research to inform the development of critical mass pilots to tackle inequities in representation of particular groups in apprenticeship programmes.The pilots were...

  • Conference support for the International Labour Organisation

    IES provided help and support to the International Labour Organisation, for the organisation of an international seminar on social responsibility in enterprise restructuring, held in Dublin in December 2009, as part of a series of seminars in EU...