Duncan Brown
MA, MBA, Chartered FCIPD, PhD
Duncan is a Principal Associate at IES and an independent government and employer adviser and researcher on reward management issues. He has worked at major HR consultancies including Willis Towers Watson, Aon Hewitt and PwC, and research institutes, most recently heading up the employment consulting work at IES. He also spent 5 years as the Assistant Director General at CIPD. His recent clients have included Shell, SGN plc, UK Research and Innovation, the UK Cabinet Office and NHS Employers, The UN, European Commission and Unicef.
As of April 2020, Duncan Brown no longer works full-time at IES.
Research publications
- Fair, equitable pay: impossible ideal or a HR priority we finally need to practise?, Brown, D, HR Network Paper 162 , Institute for Employment Studies, Oct 2023
- The cost of living crisis , Brown D, , Institute for Employment Studies , Sep 2022
- ‘Human resources come of age?’ , Brown, D, HR Network paper 156, Institute for Employment Studies , Feb 2022
- Perspectives on HR 2021, Campbell C, Hirsh W, Bajorek Z, Ranasinghe U, Poole K, Brown D, Lucy D, Bevan S, , Institute for Employment Studies , Dec 2021
- Ethnicity pay reporting: A guide for UK employers, Brown D, , CIPD, Sep 2021
- ESG, SDGs and HR: a positive post-pandemic partnership, Brown D, , Institute for Employment Studies , Jul 2021
- Pay and Reward Strategies after Covid-19, Brown D, HR Network paper 151, Institute for Employment Studies, Jun 2021
- Race Inclusion Reports - Report 1, Holmes J, Brown D, , CIPD, Mar 2021
- Race Inclusion Reports - Report 2, Holmes J, Brown D, , CIPD, Mar 2021
- Race Inclusion Reports - Report 3, Holmes J, Brown D, , CIPD, Mar 2021
- Race Inclusion Reports - Executive Summary, Holmes J, Brown D, , CIPD, Mar 2021
- Digital learning in a post Covid-19 economy, Rickard C, Brown D, Crowley L, , CIPD, Jan 2021
- Webinar: Obesity Stigma at Work: Improving Inclusion & Productivity, Bajorek Z, Bevan S, Brown D, Black C , , Institute for Employment Studies , Dec 2020
- Mend the gap: The Independent Review into Gender Pay Gaps in Medicine in England, Dacre J, Woodhams C, Atkinson C, Laliotis I, Williams M, Blanden J, Wild S, Brown D, , Department of Health and Social Care, Dec 2020
- Reforming employment status, Brown D, Holmes J, , Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), Nov 2020
- Revamping labour market enforcement in the UK, Willmott B, Suff R, Brown D, Bajorek Z, Hogan C, , CIPD, Oct 2020
- Strategic HRM in Practice: Case Study , Brown D, , Institute for Employment Studies, May 2020
- Learning from the Past, Planning for the Future: Strategic People Management and its Vital Role in Today's Uncertain Times, Brown D, Armstrong M, , Institute for Employment Studies, Feb 2020
- Pay and Rewards 2020: depression, hope and anger, Brown D, , Institute for Employment Studies, Feb 2020
- Slides: Annual HR Directors' Retreat, Guest D, Seehra I, Brown D, Clarke N, Black C, , Institute for Employment Studies, May 2019
- Strategic Human Resource Management in Practice: Case Studies and Conclusions (Executive Summary), Brown D, Hirsh W, Reilly P, Report 519 (ES), Institute for Employment Studies, Apr 2019
- Strategic Human Resource Management in Practice: Case Studies and Conclusions, Brown D, Hirsh W, Reilly P, Report 519, Institute for Employment Studies, Apr 2019
- Strategic Human Resource Management: Back to the future?, Armstrong M, Brown D, Report 517, Institute for Employment Studies, Feb 2019
- Which way now for HR and organisational changes? IES Perspectives on HR 2018, Report 516, Institute for Employment Studies, Jan 2019
- 2019: a totally rewarding year?, Brown D, , Institute for Employment Studies, Jan 2019
- Major review of the judicial salary structure: Report on the placement of judicial posts, Hibbert D, Elston A, Brown D, , Senior Salaries Review Body, Oct 2018
- Slides: Gender pay gap reporting: what now?, Brown D, , Institute for Employment Studies, Jun 2018
- Slides: Employee engagement and the generations, Brown D, , Institute for Employment Studies, May 2018
- Fairness, flexibility and affordability, Brown D, Opinion Paper 27, Institute for Employment Studies, Feb 2018
- Slides: Productivity..., Brown D, , Institute for Employment Studies, Dec 2017
- Review of the use and effectiveness of market pay supplements, Brown D, Reilly P, Rickard C, , Office of Manpower Economics (OME), Dec 2017
- Women on FTSE boards: roles, tenure, share ownership and gender pay, , E-reward, Nov 2017
- Gender pay: How do you achieve and report parity?, Brown D, Report 511, Institute for Employment Studies, Nov 2017
- Review of DDRB Pay Comparability Methodologies, Brown D, Rickard C, Bevan S, , Office of Manpower Economics (OME), Aug 2017
- Tackling gender, disability and ethnicity pay gaps: a progress review, Brown D, Rickard C, Broughton A, , Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), Aug 2017
- Tackling gender, disability and ethnicity pay gaps: a progress review: Executive summary, Brown D, Rickard C, Broughton A, , Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), Aug 2017
- Darkening skies? IES Perspectives on HR 2017, Report 510, Institute for Employment Studies, Mar 2017
- Talkin' 'bout my generation: just what does age and the ageing workforce mean for HR?, Brown D, HR Network Paper 129, Institute for Employment Studies, Mar 2017
- Employee financial well-being: why it's important, Cox A, Rickard C, Spiegelhalter K, Brown D, , Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), Jan 2017
- Employee financial well-being: practical guidance, Rickard C, Spiegelhalter K, Cox A, Brown D, , Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), Jan 2017
- Employee financial well-being: Behavioural insights, Spiegelhalter K, Cox A, Brown D, Rickard C, , Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), Jan 2017
- Applying a reward strategy in local government, Rickard C, Reilly P, Brown D, , Local Government Association, Dec 2016
- A Review of Pay Comparability Methodologies, Brown D, Bevan S, Rickard C, , Armed Forces' Pay Review Body, Dec 2016
- The Power of Parity, Brown D, , Institute for Employment Studies, Jul 2016
- Slides: Gender pay gap reporting: Important, undesireable or irrelevant, Brown D, , Institute for Employment Studies, Jul 2016
- Stability rhymes with agility, pay structure needs to go with flexibility, Brown D, Munday S, Opinion Paper 26, Institute for Employment Studies, Jun 2016
- The relationship between total reward and employee engagement, Brown D, Callen A, Robinson D, , NHS Employers, May 2016
- Gender pay gap reporting: important, undesirable or irrelevant?, Brown D, HR Network Paper 119, Institute for Employment Studies, Apr 2016
- Investigating and improving the HR and OD capability in shared councils, Brown D, Reilly P, Varney S, , Local Government Association (LGA), Feb 2016
- Thoughts for the day: IES Perspectives on HR 2016, Report 508, Institute for Employment Studies, Feb 2016
- Performance Management: The Implementation Challenge, Hirsh W, Brown D, Chubb C, Reilly P, HR Network Paper MP89, Institute for Employment Studies, Apr 2011
- Performance Management: Literature Review, Chubb C, Reilly P, Brown D, HR Network Paper MP90, Institute for Employment Studies, Apr 2011
- Performance Management: Can the practice ever deliver the policy?, Brown D, Opinion Paper OP23, Institute for Employment Studies, Oct 2010
- Evidence-Based Reward Management, Armstrong M, Brown D, Reilly P, , Kogan Page, Jun 2010
- Review of the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework, Brown D, Mercer M, Buchan J, Miller L, Chubb C, Cox A, Robinson D, , NHS Employers, Mar 2010
- Evidence-based Reward Management Toolkit, Brown D et al., , e-Reward, Jan 2010
- Evaluating Reward Effectiveness, Brown D, Glenn S, Armstrong M, , e-Reward, Dec 2009
- Increasing the effectiveness of reward management, Armstrong M, Brown D, Reilly P, IES Paper , Institute for Employment Studies, Oct 2009
- Measuring the effectiveness of pay and reward practices, Brown D, Reilly P, HR Network Paper MP84, Institute for Employment Studies, Mar 2009
- HR in Recession: what are the prospects and priorities for HR management in 2009?, Brown D, Reilly P, Opinion Paper OP15, Institute for Employment Studies, Feb 2009
- Employee Engagement: What is the Relationship with Reward Management?, Reilly P, Brown D, HR Network Paper MP83, Institute for Employment Studies, Dec 2008
- Strategic Reward: Making it happen, Brown D, Armstrong M, , Kogan Page, Nov 2005
- Pensions and HR's Role: a Guide, Brown D, , CIPD, Nov 2002
- The CIPD Guide to Bonus and Incentive Plans, Brown D, , CIPD, Nov 2001
- Reward Strategies: From intent to impact, Brown D, , CIPD, Nov 2000
- New Dimensions in Pay Management, Brown D, Armstrong M, , CIPD, Nov 2000
- Paying for Contribution: Real performance-related pay strategies, Brown D, Armstrong M, , Kogan Page, Nov 1998
- A Practical Guide to Competency-Related Pay, Brown D, , Financial Times Management, Nov 1997
Articles and chapters
- Reward strategies for 2024 and beyond, Brown D, Personnel Today, October 2023
- Reward strategies in the 2020s: the model for the future, Brown D, REBA website October 2023.
- Should we focus on a different approach to total reward?, Brown, D, Employee Benefits, May 2022
- Employee Stockholding and Ownership: Realizing the Benefits an Avoiding the Bear Traps. An Introduction, Bryant P, Brown D, SAGE Journals, April 2022
- Employee Stockholding and Ownership: Realizing the Benefits an Avoiding the Bear Traps. An Introduction, Bryant P, Brown D, SAGE Journals, April 2022
- How Fair Is Equal Pay? The Need for a More Balanced Perspective, Brown D, Reilly P, Debating Equal Pay for All: Economy, Practicability and Ethics, Feb 2021
- What should employee wellbeing look like in 2020, Brown D, Employee Benefits, February 2020
- No ‘good work’ without good enforcement, Brown D and Suff R, CIPD,[Online], October 2019
- Are CDCs the middle-way solution to the UK’s pension crisis?, Brown, D, People Management, [online], March 2019
- Armstrong's Handbook of Reward Management Practice: 6th Edition, Armstrong M, Brown D, Kogan Page, February 2019
- Paying for skills: the rhetoric, the reality, the need for resurgence, Brown D, Innecto Reward: Our Blog, Innecto Reward Consulting, [Online], September 2018
- Remind me again, why do we measure employee engagement?, Brown D, Employee Benefits: Employee Engagement Week, Employee Benefits, [Online], May 2018
- Reward strategies must bring value to both employers and employees, Brown D, Viewpoint: Employee Benefits, Employee Benefits, [Online], February 2018
- How do you close a gender pay gap?, Brown D, FDM Group blog, [Online], November 2017
- What can employers learn from the BBC's pay gap?, Brown D, Employee Benefits, [Online], August 2017
- How gender reporting could change pay strategy, Brown D, Reba, [Online], March 2017
- Opinion: Reporting on gender pay gaps won’t close them on its own, Brown D, People Management, CIPD, [Online], October 2016
- Opinion: The unpredictable digital age calls for a fresh approach to reward management, Brown D, People Management, CIPD, [Online], July 2016
- Making the case for flexible benefits, Brown D, Employee Benefits, [Online], May 2016
- Are employees becoming more influential in driving benefits strategy?, Brown D, Employee Benefits, April 2016
- Is the national living wage good, bad or just best fit?, Brown D, People Management, CIPD, [Online], April 2016
- Opinion: What will top the HR agenda in 2016?, Brown D, People Management, CIPD, [Online], March 2016
- The strategy and soul of the reward professional, Brown D, CIPD Community, CIPD [Online], February 2016
- Will the national living wage have unintended consequences for employers?, Brown D, Employee Benefits, [Online], September 2015
- Closing the gender pay gap through compulsory reporting: what’s to be done, will it work?, Brown D, Reward & Employee Benefits Association, Reward & Employee Benefits Association, September 2015
- Christian Aid and pay ratios – a case of practising what you preach?, Brown D, Thinking High and Low: Exploring pay disparities in society, High Pay Centre, September 2015
- Opinion: What does the future hold for HR?, Brown D, People Management, CIPD, August 2015
- Which Way Forward for HR: an Elitist or an Engagement Model of People Management? Part 2: A suggested way forward, Brown D, Croner-i, Wolters Kluwer, June 2015
- Why have total reward strategies? Duncan Brown shares his thoughts, Brown D, NHS Employers, June 2015
- Which way forward for HR: an elitist or an engagement model of people management? Part 1: The dilemmas and contradictions , Brown D, Croner-i, Wolters Kluwer, May 2015
- Why have total reward strategies? Duncan Brown posits an answer, Brown D, NHS Confederation website, NHS Confederation, , May 2015
- Is Britain in denial over waste of talented women at work?, Brown D, People Management, CIPD, April 2015
- Fair Pay: what do the politicians and HR directors want?, Brown D, IES HR blog, April 2015
- Want to motivate staff on low pay? Pay more, Brown D, People Management Opinion, CIPD, April 2015
- Gender Pay: A moving target... but one where more transparency and HR action will help, Brown D, CIPD Reward Blog and IES HR blog, March 2015
- The Future of Reward Management: From Total Reward Strategies to Smart Rewards, Brown D 'The Future of Reward Management: From Total Reward Strategies to Smart Rewards' Compensation Benefits Review, September 12, 2014
- Performance Management: Fine intentions, Brown D, Hirsh W, Performance Management, September 2011
- Performance Management - can it ever work?, Brown D, manager, Summer 2011, July 2011
- Increasing the effectiveness of reward management: an evidence-based approach, Brown D, Reilly P, Armstrong M, Employee Relations, Emerald, Vol. 33, 2, March 2011
- Talking Point, Brown D, Pay and Benefits Magazine, Reed, February 2011
- Performance management: can we practice what we preach, Brown D, People Management Reward Blog, December 2010
- Local NHS pay negotiations: beware raiders of the lost cause, Brown D, Health Service Journal, November 2010
- A fair share, Brown D, Pay and Benefits Magazine, Reed, November 2010
- Public sector pay and pensions: the easy route to deficit reduction?, Brown D, CIPD Reward Blog, CIPD, June 2010
- Baring it all on pay and reward - how would you look?, Brown D, Developing HR Strategy, Croner, Issue 32, May 2010
- The reality behind senior public-sector pay, Brown D, People Management, April 2010
- Election 2010: Why fair pay policies should matter to HR, Brown D, Personnel Today, Reed Publishing, April 2010
- Reward strategy: Time for a more realistic reconceptualization and reinterpretation?, Cox A, Brown D, Reilly P, Thunderbird International Business Review, Wiley InterScience, Vol. 52, 3, April 2010
- Payment by committee, Brown D, Public Finance, April 2010
- Fairness the new watchword in reward, Brown D, Employee Benefits: Thought Leaders Supplement, Centaur, March 2010
- Pay nudity - how would you look?, Brown D, Employee Engagement Today, Vol. 3, No. 2, Spring 2010
- Public sector RemCos: the goods, the bads and the hows, Brown D, IDS Executive Compensation Review, Incomes Data Services, February 2010
- Talking Point: Effective communication of reward management, Brown D, Human Resources, February 2010
- The year ahead: personal hopes for reward management in 2010, Brown D, Human Resources, December 2009
- Pay freezes: is what's good for the private good for the public sector?, Brown D, Public Sector Executive, December 2009
- Public sector pay freezes, Brown D, Personnel Today, October 2009
- Fairness is the key to executive reward, Brown D, Employee Benefits, July 2009
- Employers need to get benefits communication right, Brown D, Building Engagement and Performance: Maximising the Returns from Employee Benefits, Motivano, July 2009
- Point of view: Fairness, the ultimate reward goal, Brown D, The Reward Quarter, E-reward, Issue 13, Spring, April 2009
- Measuring the effectiveness of pay and rewards, Brown D, Developing HR Strategy, Croner, Issue 31, March 2009
- Human spirit the key to performance, Brown D, Employee Benefits, February 2009
- Ten of the best, Brown D, People Management, January 2009
- Rewards for fairness: just how much is enough?, Brown D, Personnel Today, January 2009
- Level pegging, Brown D, Dive B, People Management, January 2009
- Focus on: Freedom, Brown D, The Reward Quarter, E-reward, Issue 12, Winter, January 2009
- Oh, the rewards, they are a'changin', Brown D, Executive Compensation Review, IDS, November 2008
- Employee Engagement: What Is the Relationship with Reward Management?, Reilly P, Brown D, WorldatWork Journal, WorldatWork, 4Q, November 2008
- Book Review: The Accountable Leader, Brown D, People Management, September 2008
- Measuring the effectiveness of pay and rewards: the Achilles heel of reward professionals, Brown D, Compensation and Benefits Review, Sage, 40: 23-41, September 2008
- Are people really our most important asset?, Brown D, Finance and Management, September 2008
- Areas to focus on in uncertain times, Brown D, Employee Benefits, July 2008
- Down but not Out, Brown D, People Management, June 2008
- Pay and engagement: a totally rewarding relationship?, Brown D, Personnel Today, June 2008
- On Fat and Thin Cats, Brown D, Developing HR Strategy Journal, January 2008
- Strategic Reward: the new realism, Brown D, Soapbox, E-reward website, January 2008
- Practicing What You Preach?, Brown D, Executive Compensation Review, IDS, December 2007
- Demonstrating HR Impact, Brown D, Personnel Today, November 2007
- Commonsense measures better than a surfeit of censors, Brown D, Financial Times Letters, October 2007
- Making Reward Change Stick, Brown D, PwC Compensation Review of the Year, October 2007
- Putting your Money where your Mouth is, Brown D, PwC Compensation Review of the Year, October 2007
- Diversity Agenda, Brown D, Personnel Today, September 2007
- HR and the Law: a dangerous addiction?' , Brown D, Developing HR Strategy, Croner, July 2007
- Reward Management: on the line, Brown D, Compensation and Benefits Review, July 2007
- Book Review: The Book of Inner Strength, Brown D, People Management, April 2007
- Reward Strategy: The reality of making it happen, Brown D, WorldatWork Journal, April 2007
- Reward management is along-term proposition, Brown D, Employee Benefits, April 2007
- It’s not what you do, it’s the way that you do it, Brown D, Employee Benefits, March 2007
- HR and Technology: back to the future, Brown D, Personnel Today, February 2007
Conference appearances
- Unequal Impact? Coronavirus and the gendered economic impact, Brown D, Women and Equalities Select Committee, October 2020
- Transforming culture through employee motivation and recognition, Brown D, Financial Conduct Authority, October 2019
- Back to the future: Whatever happened to strategic human resource management?! , Brown D, Emerging and future research themes in work and employment, Centre for Research on Employment and Work, London, September 2019
- Gender pay gaps - how do we close them?, Brown D, Inclusion Matters, Management Today, London, June 2019
- Employee Financial Wellbeing: Practical Guidance (and panel discussion), Brown D, Delivering financial wellbeing in the workplace: what works?, King's Business School, London, May 2019
- Panel session: the future of reward, Brown D, 'Panel session: the future of reward' at Reward in the NHS, NHS, London, May 2019
- Conference footage of Duncan Brown's keynote address on financial wellbeing, Brown D, 'Keynote address: Financial wellbeing: The real (researched) story' at E-reward financial wellbeing showcase 2019, e-reward, London, April 2019
- Facilitator, Brown D, Minimum wages - Reputation and enforcement, Eversheds Sutherland seminar, Eversheds Sutherland, London, April 2019
- Facilitator, Brown D, Minimum wages - Reputation and enforcement, Eversheds Sutherland seminar, Eversheds Sutherland, Leeds, March 2019
- Engaging employees to high performance through total rewards: have our strategies failed?, Brown D, Employee Benefits Connect, Employee Benefits Connect, London, February 2019
- Formulating and delivering a workforce and skills strategy, Brown D, Business Forums International workforce planning post-Brexit conference: Future-proofing your recruitment, retention and policy, Business Forums International, London, February 2018
- Facilitator, Brown D, Minimum wages - Reputation and enforcement, Eversheds Sutherland seminar, Eversheds Sutherland, London, December 2018
- Workshop facilitator, Brown D, Universities & Colleges Employers Association equal pay reviews and gender pay gap reporting workshop, Universities & Colleges Employers Association, Manchester, November 2018
- Why higher pay pays off, Brown D, Minimum wages - Reputation and enforcement, Eversheds Sutherland seminar, Eversheds Sutherland, Manchester, November 2018
- Innovation in job design and workplace practices, organisational performance and disseminating best practice , Brown D, Hancock C, Perring D, Westminster Employment Forum Keynote Seminar: Next steps for increasing UK productivity - innovation, business practice and policy developments, Westminster Employment Forum, London, November 2018
- Fairness, flexibility and affordability: what are the lessons from pay and reward approaches and trends, Brown D, E-reward Annual Conference, E-reward, London, November 2018
- Pay gap: what next?, Brown D, Messinger B, Gowlland A, Francke A, Management Today: Inspiring women in business conference 2018, Management Today, London, November 2018
- Workforce planning to support skills shortages, Brown D, Business Forums International Post-Brexit recruitment conference for employers: Strategy and solutions (2nd edition), Business Forums International, London, September 2018
- Securing financial wellbeing for staff, Brown D, Local Government Association Workshop: Prioritising workforce wellbeing in schools, Local Government Assocation, London, September 2018
- Masterclass facilitator, Brown D, UCEA Developing your reward strategy masterclass, Universities & Colleges Employers Association, Cookham, July 2018
- Job evaluation versus market pricing, Brown D, Innecto webinar: Job evaluation vs. market pricing - What's the solution?, Innecto, [Online], June 2018
- Formulating and delivering a workforce strategy for a post-Brexit world, Brown D, Brexit: The Employers' Summit 4th Edition - Preparation, Planning and Policy, Business Forums International Ltd, London, May 2018
- Contributor to debate on the engagement myth, Brown D, CIPD Podcast 135, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, [Online], April 2018
- Facilitator, Brown D, Minimum wages - Reputation and enforcement, Eversheds Sutherland seminar, Eversheds Sutherland, London, March 2018
- What works in reducing wage gaps, Brown D, University of Greenwich seminar: Tackling the gender pay gap, Work & Employment Research Unit and Diversity Interest Group at University of Greenwich, London, March 2018
- Facilitator, Brown D, Minimum wages - Reputation and enforcement, Eversheds Sutherland seminar, Eversheds Sutherland, Cardiff, February 2018
- Gender pay reporting: The practice, process and communications, AoC Create Conference: Mandatory gender pay gap reporting in further education
- Facilitator, Brown D, Minimum wages - Reputation and enforcement, Eversheds Sutherland seminar, Eversheds Sutherland, London, January 2018
- 'Mind the gap': gender pay, equal pay and pay gaps: what’s happening?, Brown D, UCEA workshop: Equal pay reviews and gender pay gap reporting: Guidance for Higher Education Institutions, Universities & Colleges Employers Association (UCEA), London, January 2018
- 'Mind the gap': gender pay, equal pay and pay gaps: what’s happening?, Brown D, UCEA workshop: Equal pay reviews and gender pay gap reporting: Guidance for Higher Education Institutions, Universities & Colleges Employers Association (UCEA), Manchester, January 2018
- 'Mind the gap': gender pay, equal pay and pay gaps: what’s happening?, Brown D, UCEA workshop: Equal pay reviews and gender pay gap reporting: Guidance for Higher Education Institutions, Universities & Colleges Employers Association (UCEA), Glasgow, January 2018
- Communicating pay gaps, Brown D, UCEA conference: Rising to the communications challenges, Universities & Colleges Employers Association, London, December 2017
- Does engagement actually increase productivity in the workplace?, Brown D, Shaping the future of work: CIPD Annual Conference, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, Manchester, November 2017
- Pay (and reward?) trends and issues, Brown D, e-reward Annual Conference, e-reward, London, November 2017
- Chair, Brown D, UCEA gender pay gap reporting workshop, Universities & Colleges Employers Association, London, November 2017
- Employers' viewpoints: Human resources and the evolving employment landscape, Brown D, KNect365 Conference: Managing the gig economy, Informa, London, October 2017
- Gender pay reporting, Brown D, Employee Benefits Live, Employee Benefits, Birmingham, October 2017
- Latest insights on pay and reward, Brown D, Pay & Reward and Annual Meeting, CIPD West London Branch, London, June 2017
- Chair, Brown D, Gender pay gap reporting workshop, Universities & Colleges Employers Association (UCEA), Manchester, June 2017
- Chair, Brown D, Gender pay gap reporting workshop, Universities & Colleges Employers Association (UCEA), London, May 2017
- Gender Pay Reporting: Will it work, what will close the gap?, Brown D, Coffee & Comp, Curo, London, May 2017
- Workshop and panel discussion, Brown D, Reward in the NHS, NHS Employers, London, May 2017
- What your pay strategies could look like by 2020, Brown D, REBA Reward Leaders' Forum 2017, Reba, London, April 2017
- Smart rewards and benefits to attract and retain great talent, Brown D, HR in Housing Conference, National Housing Federation, London, April 2017
- How to comply with new legislation on Gender Pay Gap reporting and advice on addressing Gender Pay Gap issues, Brown D, Expert Series: Gender pay reporting, CityWorks Forum, London, March 2017
- How to Create an Effective Approach to Employee Financial Wellbeing - ‘Shaping good choices’, Spiegelhalter K, Brown D, Applied Research Conference, CIPD, London, December 2016
- The latest research on equal pay, Brown D, Close the Deal, Fill the Gap: Final Conference, European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels, November 2016
- Gender pay reporting: Important, undesirable or irrelevant?, Brown D, E-Reward Annual Conference, E-Reward, London, November 2016
- Review of pay comparability methodology, Brown D, Rickard C, OME conference: Research on public sector pay, Office of Manpower Economics, London, October 2016
- Benchmarking reward and compensation structures: let the market rip?, Brown D, Employee Benefits Live 2016 Conference, Employee Benefits, London, October 2016
- Total reward and employee engagement: as easy as 'A' to 'B'?, Brown D, Employee Engagement and wellbeing: Sector projects and wider perspectives, UCEA & UHR, London, September 2016
- Gender Pay Reporting - Context and Content, Brown D, GW4 Pay Equality Consortium, GW4, London, September 2016
- To PRP or not to PRP, that is the question, Brown D, UHR Annual Conference, Brighton, May 2016
- UK Reward Trends, Brown D, Pay and the labour market, CIPD West London Branch, May 2016
- Reward, low pay and productivity, Brown D, DHL Employee Relations Conference, March 2016
- Low pay trends in Europe, Brown D, IRN Annual Conference, Dublin, March 2016
- REBA New Year Lectures: The soul and skills of reward and benefits professionals, Brown D, REBA, London, February 2016
- Evidence on Gender Pay Gaps, Brown D, House of Commons Select Committee Enquiry, January 2016
- Total Rewards: Time for Re-appraisal and Re-conceptualisation, A Concept past its Sell-by Date?, Brown D, EIASM European Reward Management Conference, Brussels, December 2015
- The impact of the National Living Wage on employers: Who pays and how?, Brown D, The impact of the National Living Wage on employers: Who pays and how?, Eversheds, London, November 2015
- How technology affects reward and engagement, Brown D, REBA Innovation Day, London, November 2015
- The impact of the National Living Wage on employers: Who pays and how?, Brown D, The impact of the National Living Wage on employers: Who pays and how?, Eversheds, Leeds, November 2015
- Education Competencies Consortium, Brown D, ECC, London, November 2015
- Low Pay and National Minimum Wage, Brown D, McDonalds Franchise Forum, London, November 2015
- Reward module teaching, Brown D, Kingston University International HR Managers, Moscow, November 2015
- Keynote Speech: Gender Pay Reporting , Brown D, Employee Benefits Live 2015, Centaur/Employee Benefits, London, September 2015
- Addressing Unequal Pay: Opening Pandora’s Box, Brown D, Coffee & Comp, Curo Compensation, London, September 2015
- Christian Aid and pay ratios – a case of practising what you preach?, Brown D, Thinking High and Low: Exploring Pay Disparities in Society, High Pay Centre, London, September 2015
- Opening Pandora's Box, Brown D, Equal Pay Seminar, GW4, Bristol, July 2014
- Future reward strategies and innovation, Brown D, REBA Founder's Day, London, July 2015
- Senior reward trends and issues in HE, Brown D, South West Universities HR Directors Group, UHR, Exeter, July 2015
- Senior reward trends and issues in HE, Brown D, Northern Universities Reward Group, UHR, Leeds, June 2015
- The role of sales compensation, Brown D, Revenue growth in financial services and the new accountability regime, Capventis, London, June 2015
- Total Rewards: A concept past its sell-by date?, Brown D, E-reward Annual Conference, e-reward, London, June 2015
- One size fits all? A strategic approach to total rewards, Brown D, NHS Confederation Conference, Liverpoool, June 2015
- Current trends and key issues in setting senior pay, Brown D, Senior Pay in Higher Education Institutions, Universities and Colleges Employers Association, London, June 2015
- Total Rewards: the future for HE or adopting a failed private sector model, Brown D, Universities HR Annual Conference, UHR, Leeds, May 2015
- Post election Employment Debate, Brown D, The election and employment, Eversheds, London, May 2015
- The Evidence and Viewpoints, Brown D, Reforming Performance Pay Conference, High Pay Centre, May 2015
- HR progress and priorities in HE, Brown D, Strategy Awayday, Northampton University, Northampton, April 2015
- FORUM on the Future of Gender Equality in the EU, Brown D, FORUM on the Future of Gender Equality in the EU, European Commission, Brussels, April 2015
- Equal Pay: A Moving Target, Brown D, Equal Pay: A Moving Target, Brighton University Business School and the Equality and Diversity Research Network, Brighton, March 2015
- Reward Strategy Masterclass, Brown D, Kings College HR MsC Students, Kings College, January 2015
- Chair, Creating the workforce you need for the challenges ahead, Brown D, The Guardian HR Summit 2011, London, January 2011
- Using Communications to Enhance the Impact of Reward Practices, Brown D, Compensation & Benefits 2010, 4th Annual Pan European Conference: Building Excellence in your Reward Practice, Marcus Evans, London, November 2010
- Appraisal and the KSF, Brown D, NHS Employers Annual Conference, NHS Employers, Liverpool, November 2010
- Reflections on employment relations panel session, Brown D, Annual Labour Relations conference: pressures on partnership, Eversheds, London, November 2010
- Reward communications: why does it never get any better?, Brown D, Annual Reward Management Update, E-Reward, London, November 2010
- Panellist: Do we need to bring executive pay under control and focus on internal fairness rather than supposed market and performance-related factors?, Brown D, 3rd Annual HR Leaders Congress, HR Leadership Alliance, London, November 2010
- Total rewards: what does it mean?, Brown D, Acas/EEERF Autumn Conference, Acas, Huntingdon, November 2010
- Total reward as a driver of employee motivation, Brown D, East of England Employee Relations Forum Autumn Conference 'Reward: Motivate: Retain', Huntingdon, November 2010
- The Future for Personnel, Brown D, Tesco Personnel Conference, Tesco, London, November 2010
- Conference chair, Brown D, CIPD Performance Management Conference, CIPD, London, October 2010
- Reward communication and employee engagement: the missing link, Brown D, Employee Benefits Live, Centaur, London, September 2010
- Chair, Brown D, Total rewards, Office of Manpower Economics, September 2010
- Discussant: HR Leadership and sustainable high performance, Brown D, Managing Uncertainty: A new deal? International challenges and the changing face of work. Work, Employment & Society Conference 2010, British Sociological Association, Brighton, September 2010
- Engaging staff with no money, Brown D, CIPD North London branch seminar, Middlesex University, September 2010
- Public sector pay and performance in a time of financial constraint, Brown D, Workforce performance and reward in the civil service conference, Civil Service World, London, July 2010
- Reward in a Recession, Recovery and the Uncertain Future, Brown D, Yorkshire HR Directors' Forum, DLA Piper, Leeds, June 2010
- Performance-related pay and incentives: cause of the crash or essential to recovery?, Brown D, HR Strategy Meeting, IBDG, London, June 2010
- Total reward: what does it mean?, Brown D, Doctors and Dentists' Review Body, Office of Manpower Economics, London, May 2010
- HR: Where does it go after Ulrich?, Brown D, European Commission, Directorate General HR and Security, Brussels, May 2010
- Panel discussion on organisational redesign in large authorities, Brown D, Designing a fit-for-the-future organisation, IDeA Workforce Matters community, (online), May 2010
- Keynote Address: How do you quantify motivation, retention and engagement?, Brown D, Rewards & Benefits 2010, Osney Media, London, May 2010
- Successfully redesigning your organisation, Brown D, Achieving new organisational structures: Delivering more for less, Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA), Birmingham, May 2010
- Rewarding for the recovery, Brown D, Thomson's Reward Club, London, May 2010
- Reward after recession, Brown D, Cambridge HR directors' forum, Cambridge, May 2010
- Pay and Rewards: major changes or back to 'normal', Brown D, Cambridge Leaders Academy seminar, Cambridge Leaders Academy, Cambridge, April 2010
- Workforce restructuring: Can you cut headcount and maintain levels of service and morale?, Brown D, Resourcing Futures Roundtable, Hays, London, April 2010
- Webcast panel member, Brown D, Employee Benefits' Pensions roundtable in association with Scottish Widows, online, April 2010
- Panel debate, Brown D, A decade of change in employee voice, London School of Economics and CIPD, London, March 2010
- Reward in tough times, Brown D, Diageo European HR Conference, Diageo, Twickenham, March 2010
- The changing face of reward, Brown D, The changing face of reward, Hay, London, March 2010
- Reward in tough times, Brown D, Maximising potential in a changing environment, Northern Housing Consortium, York, March 2010
- Employment policy panel discussion, Brown D, Eversheds Employment Counsel Conference, Eversheds, London, March 2010
- Non-cash rewards: achieving more for less, Brown D, CIPD Reward Forum, CIPD, London, January 2010
- Reward strategy, Brown D, Leading Employee Engagement in Recession and Beyond, Cranfield University School of Management, Cranfield, December 2009
- Increasing the effectiveness of reward management: an evidence-based approach, Brown D, Reilly P, Armstrong M, European Reward Management Conference, European Institute for Advanced Studies, Brussels, November 2009
- Less is more: the workforce skills conundrum, Brown D, Workforce Futures Roundtable, Hays, London, November 2009
- Performance and Reward, Brown D, HR Leadership Alliance, 2009 Annual Congress, London, November 2009
- Evidence-based reward management, Brown D, Reilly P, E-reward annual update, E-reward, London, November 2009
- Keynote address, Brown D, Third Sector Reward Conference, Agenda Consulting, London, October 2009
- Managing Rewards in Hard Times, Brown D, Seminar: Lancaster University Centre for Performance-led HR, Lancaster University Management School, London, September 2009
- Recession Proof your Benefits: Linking Rewards and Benefits to Business Performance to Create a Win-Win Outcome for Employer and Employee!, Brown D, Employee Benefits Live 2009, London, September 2009
- Managing Employee Rewards During Recession: How do you motivate people with no pay increase?, Brown D, Employee Benefits Live 2009, London, September 2009
- Reward in recession, Brown D, HR Efficiency: reducing costs without reducing performance, Capita, London, September 2009
- Rewarding for the future, Brown D, CIPD East Midlands conference, CIPD, Loughborough, September 2009
- Rewards in recession, Brown D, Eversheds HR Summer School, Eversheds, Ashridge, July 2009
- Performance management: important but impossible, Brown D, NHS HR Student Conference, NHS, Blackburn, July 2009
- Total rewards in recession, Brown D, Employee Benefits Summit, Employee Benefits Magazine/Centaur, Monte Carlo, June 2009
- Rewards: building the balance in recession, Brown D, Reward and Benefits 09, Osney Media, London, May 2009
- Reward strategy workshop, Brown D, Osney Media, London, May 2009
- HR consulting: the real story, Brown D, CIPD West London branch seminar, London, May 2009
- Equal pay: moving beyond compliance, Brown D, London Councils/Capital Ambition workshop, London, May 2009
- Reward in recession, Brown D, RHS Pay Club Meeting, London, May 2009
- HRM in Recession, Brown D, NHS North West HR Directors' Meeting, Haydock Park, April 2009
- HRM in the Recession, Brown D, Managing Partners' Forum, Birmingham, April 2009
- Measuring the effectiveness of pay and reward practices, Brown D, Manchester Metropolitan University Biannual Performance and Reward Conference, Manchester, April 2009
- Rewards in recession, Brown D, Big Crew Change, ACI, London, March 2009
- Finding the balance in your reward strategies, Brown D, IBDG Strategy Meeting, London, March 2009
- M and A: The Integration Dilemma, Brown D, JSB Workshop on HR in Mergers and Acquisitions, London, February 2009
- Rewards in Recession, Brown D, CIPD West London branch meeting, Ealing, February 2009
- Maximising performance through reward, Brown D, CIPD Annual Reward Conference, London, February 2009
- Reward in the new world, Brown D, Media HR Group including managers from the Economist, Independent, Pearson, Reed Elsevier and Guardian Media Group, London, January 2009
- Restructuring and redundancy, or redeployment and re-engagement? Managing and rewarding employees during the recession, Brown D, Managing Partners Forum Meeting, Bristol, January 2009
- Rewards in the downturn: the end of market and performance pay?, Brown D, E-reward Annual Conference, December 2008
- Measuring reward effectiveness, Brown D, IBDG HR Directors' Summit, London, November 2008
- Reward strategies in the downturn, Brown D, PWC HR Network, Stoke Poges, October 2008
- Trends in Performance Management, Brown D, UCEA, Issues in Performance Management conference, London, October 2008
- Incentives: Do they work?, Brown D, IES HR Network debate, London, October 2008
- Measuring reward effectiveness, Brown D, Employee Benefits Annual Conference, Islington, October 2008
- What's happening in job evaluation?, Brown D, Subsea 7 Global HR Meeting, Aberdeen, October 2008
- Reward trends in the downturn, Brown D, CIPD Birmingham branch, October 2008
- Restructuring and redundancy or recruitment and retention?, Brown D, Managing Partners Forum, Manchester, September 2008
- Segmentation and Total Rewards, Brown D, IES HR Network, London, September 2008
- HR consulting: the real story, Brown D, Kings College HR Masters students and alumni, London, June 2008
- Attracting and rewarding talent, Brown D, PwC Talent Network, London, June 2008
- The rewards they are a'changing, Brown D, E-reward Spring Conference, London, June 2008
- Reward past, present and future, Brown D, Osney Media European Reward Summit, London, May 2008
- Are people really our greatest asset?, Brown D, ICAEW / HR Society joint meeting, London, May 2008
- Employee engagement: why bother?, Brown D, Anuman Annual ER Conference, April 2008
- The International Reward Balancing Act, Brown D, PwC European client conference, Rome, April 2008
- What's happening in reward?, Brown D, CIPD West London branch, Ealing, March 2008
- Where is HR Heading?, Brown D, CIPD Sussex branch conference, Roffey Park, March 2008
- Innovations in reward, Brown D, IBDG HR Directors' summit, London, March 2008
- Strategic Reward Masterclass, Brown D, Business Intelligence, London, February 2008
- The future for the HR function, Brown D, HR Network Scotland conference, Edinburgh, February 2008
- Making Reward Strategy Happen, Brown D, CIPD Annual Reward Conference, London, February 2008
- Measuring the effectiveness of your reward strategy, Brown D, E-reward annual conference, London, November 2007
- New ideas in reward, Brown D, IDS Pay Planning conference, London, October 2007
- Reward strategy: making it happen, Brown D, HR Norge Annual Conference, Oslo, October 2007
- Navigating the reward strategy jungle, Brown D, PwC Legal Network, London, October 2007
- Total rewards: what does it mean?, Brown D, Employee Benefits Annual conference, Islington, October 2007
- What's happening in reward?, Brown D, PwC HR Directors' groups, Glasgow, Leeds, Bristol and Birmingham, Autumn 2007
- Reward strategies: making them happen, Brown D, European Pharmaceutical Reward Network, Vienna, September 2007
- Strategy: what's reward got to do with it?, Brown D, London Business School Alumni Human Capital Network, London, July 2007
- Global trends in HR, Brown D, LVMH Global HR Conference, Edinburgh, July 2007
- Implementing reward strategies, Brown D, PwC Compensation Network, London, June 2007
- Rewarding contribution at West Midlands Police, Brown D, Public Sector People Management Conference, London, May 2007
- Line managers and reward, Brown D, Reward in Financial Services conference, Marcus Evans, London, May 2007
- Reward and the line: business partnering in practice?, Brown D, Employee Benefits Northern conference, Manchester, May 2007
- What's happening, what needs to happen in UK rewards?, Brown D, UCEA Reward Conference, London, April 2007
- Reward strategy, Brown D, CIPD West London branch, Ealing, March 2007
- Reward strategy, Brown D, CIPD Central London group, London, March 2007
- Rewards and business performance, Brown D, Cranfield MBA students, Cranfield, March 2007
- Reward strategy: the implementation challenge, Brown D, CIPD Rewards Forum, London, March 2007
- The business case for age diversity, Brown D, CIPD/TUC Age Conference, London, February 2007
- Reward strategy, Brown D, Docklands Personnel Group, Canary Wharf, February 2007
- Linking HR and business performance, Brown D, HR Directors' Summit, Newport, January 2007
Advisory roles and affiliations
- Member of the HR Advisory Group at London School of Economics and Political Science (2017 - present)
- Visting Professor at Greenwich University (2017 - present)
- Visiting Fellow at Kingston University (2015 - present)
- Strategic human resource management: the policy and the practice, the past and the future
- Major review of the judicial salary structure
- Review of DDRB Pay Comparability Methodologies
- Review of the use and effectiveness of market pay supplements
- Research on Total Rewards, Engagement and the links with Performance
- A review of Pay Comparability Methodologies
- Women in Senior Roles: what works in breaking glass ceilings?
- Improving the HR and OD capability in shared councils, for the Local Government Association
- Developing your reward strategy: issues, challenges and solutions
- Independent Review of the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework
- People Strategy at Cancer Research UK
- Review of Executive Remuneration
- Improving Gender Pay Reporting
- Supporting organisational redesign
- Gender Pay Gap Reporting