Review of DDRB Pay Comparability Methodologies
In 2017, IES undertook a review of the Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration Review Body’s (DDRB) current pay comparability methodology. The review was commissioned by the Office of Manpower Economics (OME) and was the first of its kind since 2008. The findings were published in August 2017.
The review assessed whether the current pay comparability methodology remained fit for purpose; recommended any necessary updating, changes and improvements to the methodology; and offered recommendations on how its coverage could be extended into primary care doctors and dentists.
The research involved interviews with 12 key stakeholders from relevant bodies including the GMC, BMA, BDA and NHS Employers; interviews with doctors and dentists themselves; and a literature review of relevant pay determination and comparability methods.
This research was published as Review of DDRB Pay Comparability Methodologies: Final Report