Becci Newton
MA, PGCert
Director, Public Policy Research
+44(0)1273 763 441
Becci brings 25 years’ experience of applied social research and evaluation and is recognised for her expertise on topics including: young people’s transitions, further, technical education and apprenticeship, adult skills provision and unemployment, worklessness, ill-health and welfare-to-work. Cross cutting themes within her research are equity, diversity and inclusion, and overcoming poverty and disadvantage. Becci brings a track record of complex, multi-method high quality evaluations and is adept at synthesising evidence and devising policy implications and recommendations. She leads a large team at IES, encompassing statisticians, economists and qualitative researchers. She oversees our policy research portfolio which spans education and life chances, employment quality, and work and health. Before joining IES, Becci worked as a Research Officer at the University of Brighton.
Current and recent projects include: leadership of the three Multiply Education Trials being implemented at IES for Department for Education; Multiply aims to provide new opportunities for adults to improve their maths capability. Leadership of the impact and economic evaluation of the Universal Support Pioneer for Department for Work and Pensions, working with Ipsos UK; the Universal Support Pioneer is implementing individual placement and support (IPS) through combined authorities to improve outcomes for disabled people. An evidence review of Systems Change approaches and evaluations for Youth Futures Foundation, providing lessons for how systems change might be achieved within its Connected Futures partnerships.
2003 | University of Brighton | PG Cert (Distinction), Research Methods |
2002 | University of Brighton | MA, Sequential Design and Illustration |
2002‑2004 | Research Officer, Education Policy and Evaluation Unit, University of Brighton |
2000‑2002 | Research Officer, Brighton Business School, University of Brighton |
Research publications
- What works in systems change interventions, Orlando C, Newton B, Jain S, Mantri S, White H, , Youth Futures Foundation, Nov 2024
- Peep Exploring Together: Supporting the foundations of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM), Garner O, Illidge L, Talbot J, Williams C, Newton B, , Institute for Employment Studies, Nov 2024
- 16 to 19 Additional Hours evaluation, Alexander K, Campbell B, Ghosh S, Newton B, Rosolin B, , Department for Education (DfE), Oct 2024
- Future of work: Crowd-funded creative careers, Petrakaki D, Moysidou K, Yu Liu H, Newton B, , Institute for Employment Studies , Aug 2024
- Effective Transitions Fund evaluation, Williams J, Rosolin B, Newton B, (IES) Neary S, Blake H, Rose P, (iCeGS) , , Institute for Employment Studies , Jul 2024
- Impact of summer programmes on the outcomes of disadvantaged or ‘at risk’ young people, Muir D, Orlando C, Newton B, , Campbell Systematic Reviews , Jun 2024
- Summer Schools: Toolkit technical report , Muir D, Newton B, White H, , Youth Endowment Fund, Jun 2024
- Skills Bootcamps and Adult Skills, Garner O, Dave A, Williams J, Newton B, , Institute for Employment Studies , Mar 2024
- Health-led Trials impact evaluation reports, Newton B, Gloster R, Dorsett R, Cockett J, Gooch B, Benson A, Crowley J, Windle K, , Department for Work and Pensions / Department of Health & Social Care, Jul 2023
- Apprenticeships, basic skills training, life skills training, mentoring/coaching, off-the-job training and on-the-job training, Taylor D, Featherston R, Ott E, Rowland J, Newton B, Shlonsky, A. , , Youth Futures Foundation , Jul 2023
- The impact of wage subsidies on the employment of disadvantaged and/or marginalised young people, Nancarrow A, Muir D, Rosolin B, Orlando C, Newton B, Rowland J, Ott E (CEI), Shlonsky (Monash University), , Youth Futures Foundation , Jul 2023
- Work Coach Provision of Employment Support, Buzzeo J, Campbell B, Newton B, , Department for Work and Pensions, May 2023
- Catch up Literacy Evaluation Report , Dawson A, Williams C, Newton B, Garner L, Talbot J, Bowyer-Crane C (NIESR), Boshoff J (NIESR) , , What Works for Children's Social Care? , May 2023
- Health-led Employment Trials Evaluation, Newton B, Gloster R, Hofman J, , Department for Work and Pensions / Department of Health & Social Care, Apr 2023
- Evaluation of the Health-led Employment Trials: Synthesis report, Newton B, Gloster R, , Department for Work and Pensions / Department of Health & Social Care, Apr 2023
- Workforce Integration and Inclusion in London’s growth sectors, Giles L, Sissons P, Carey H, Subosa M, Newton B, , Greater London Authority, Mar 2023
- SomersetWorks Partnership College Pilot Evaluation, Orlando C, Alexander K, Winton A, Muir D, Newton B, , Institute for Employment Studies, Jan 2023
- UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships, Pollard E, Newton B, Gray H, Huxely C, Cockett J, Papoutsaki D, Cowling M, , , Institute for Employment Studies, May 2022
- Extended and more flexible traineeships: A process evaluation, Gloster R, Byford M, Buzzeo J, Garner O, Newton B, Crick C, Mackay S, , IES/Ipsos MORI, Mar 2022
- Using interactive, video learning with AI to improve soft skills acquisition , Cockett J, Cook J, Newton B, , Institute for Employment Studies, Feb 2022
- Supporting good mental health amongst London’s FE learners, Newton B, Patel R, Akehurst G, Alexander K, Byford M, Rickard C, Ebanks-Silvera DJ, Buzzeo J, Cook J, White-Smith G , , Institute for Employment Studies , Dec 2021
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the job interview process, Jaser Z, Petrataki D, Starr R, Oyarbide E, Newton B, Williams J, , Institute for Employment Studies, Nov 2021
- Skills Bootcamps process evaluation, Williams J, Newton B, Allen A, Lanceley L, Garner O, Cook J, Clarke V, Suarez S, Neary S, Blake H, Clarke L, , Oct 2021
- A better future: Transforming jobs and skills for young people post-pandemic , Williams J, Alexander K, Wilson T, Newton B, McNeil C, Jung C, , IES/IPPR, Oct 2021
- From early years to adult learning: IES research to support education and life chances , Dawson A, Newton B, Pollard E, , Institute for Employment Studies, Jun 2021
- Improving understanding of the demand for and supply of skills in the West London labour market, Newton B, Masundire C, Hounsome P, Turner J, Dent A, Cockett J, McGrath D, Williams M, , Institute for Employment Studies / Rocket Science , Apr 2021
- Covid class of 2020, and beyond, Williams J, Newton B, Pollard E, Williams C, Williams M, , Institute for Employment Studies , Jan 2021
- Promoting an Age-Inclusive Workforce , OECD Directorate of Employment with IES contributions from Newton B, Bevan S, Vanderleyden J , , OECD, Dec 2020
- The impact of COVID-19 on low-income households, Buzzeo J, Alexander K, White-Smith G, Newton B, , Institute for Employment Studies , Oct 2020
- Moving out to move on, Papoutsaki D, Buzzeo J, Gray H, Williams M, Cockett J, Akehurst G, Alexander K, Newton B, Pollard E, , Institute for Employment Studies / Social Mobility Commission , Jul 2020
- Process Evaluation of Support for T Level Industry Placements, Williams J, Newton B, Takala H, Gloster R, Alexander K, , Department for Education, Jul 2020
- Support for Industry Placements, Takala H, Williams J, Alexander K, Wnek B, Newton B, , Department for Education, Jul 2020
- Supporting disadvantaged young people into meaningful work, Newton B, Sinclair A, Tyers C, Wilson T, , Institute for Employment Studies, Apr 2020
- Cedefop(2020). Empowering adults through upskilling and reskilling pathways, Authors and main contributors: Newton B, Williams J, Hadjivassilou K, Patel R, Rickard C, et al, , Office of the European Union, Apr 2020
- Labour market segmentation: Piloting new empirical and policy analyses, Newton B, Takala H, Byford M, , Eurofound, Dec 2019
- Young People's Future Health Inquiry, Papoutsaki D, Byford M, Wilson T, Newton B, , Institute for Employment Studies, Oct 2019
- Experiences of homeless young people in precarious employment, Buzzeo J, Byford M, Martin A, Newton B, , Institute for Employment Studies, Oct 2019
- Evaluation of T Level Industry Placement Pilot, Newton B, Williams J, Francis R, Gloster R, Buzzeo J, Byford M, Spiegelhalter K, Esmond, B , , Department for Education, May 2019
- Evaluation of the Industry Placements Pilot, Newton B, Williams J, Francis R, Gloster R, Buzzeo J, Byford M, Spiegelhalter K, Esmond, B , , Department for Education, May 2019
- Evaluation of the Industry Placements Pilot , Newton B, Williams J, Francis R, Gloster R, Buzzeo J, Byford M, Spiegelhalter K (IES) Esmond B (iCeGS), , Department for Education, Dec 2018
- Teachers', leaders' and governors' views on the pay framework, Dawson A, Hey L, Byford M, Rickard C, Lucy D, Newton B, , Department for Education, Nov 2018
- Thinking ahead: A review of support provided by employers to help staff plan for their future, Gloster R, Edwards M, Spiegelhalter K, Newton B, Hirsh W, , Centre for Ageing Better, Sep 2018
- Evaluation of the 18-21 Work Skills Pilot 1, Newton B, Hillage J, Buzzeo J, , Department for Education, Sep 2018
- Rapid evidence assessment: parents' decisions about returning to work and child caring responsibilities, Newton B, Tamkin P, Gloster R, Cox A, Everett C, Cotton J, , Department for Education, May 2018
- The 2015 ESA trials: a synthesis of qualitative research with claimants, Newton B, Sainsbury R, Research Report 933, Department for Work and Pensions, Aug 2017
- Summary: The 2015 ESA trials: a synthesis of qualitative research with claimants, Newton B, Sainsbury R, Research Report 933, Department for Work and Pensions, Aug 2017
- Investigation into post-16 occupational standards in international technical education, Newton B, Everett C, Cotton J, Research Report 691, Department for Education, Jul 2017
- Effective curriculum practice below level 2 for 16- to 17-year-olds, Williams J, Hadjivassiliou K, Marvell R, Green M, Newton B, Research Report 699, Department for Education (DFE), Jul 2017
- Effective curriculum practice below level 2 for 16- to 17-year-olds: Good practice case studies, , Department for Education, Jul 2017
- Intensive Activity Programme trial evaluation: Evidence synthesis, , Department for work and pensions (DWP), Aug 2016
- Intensive Activity Programme trial evaluation: Claimant research, , Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), Aug 2016
- The impact of STEM programmes on young people's employability skills, Marvell R, Newton B, , , STEMNET, Jun 2016
- Tackling unemployment among disadvantaged young people, Buzzeo J, Marvell R, Everett C, Newton B, , Institute for Employment Studies, Mar 2016
- Infographic: Apprenticeship Trailblazers: Progress against aims, , Institute for Employment Studies, Nov 2015
- Infographic: Apprenticeship Trailblazers: Key directions for employers, , Institute for Employment Studies, Nov 2015
- Process evaluation of the Apprenticeship Trailblazers, Newton B, Miller L, Williams J, Buzzeo J, Hinks R, Research Paper 256, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), Nov 2015
- The contribution of Further Education and skills to social mobility, Gloster R, Buzzeo J, Marvell R, Tassinari A, Williams J, Williams M, Swift S, Newton B, Research Paper 254, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Oct 2015
- Infographic: Interim findings on the Apprenticeships Trailblazers, Newton B, Gloster R, Miller L, Buzzeo J, , Institute for Employment Studies, Mar 2015
- Evaluation of the Apprenticeship Trailblazers: Interim report, Newton B, Gloster R, Miller L, Buzzeo J, Research Paper 213, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Mar 2015
- Work Programme Evaluation: the participant experience report, Meager N, Newton B, Sainsbury R, Corden A, Irvine A, Research Report 892, Department for Work and Pensions, Dec 2014
- Work Programme Evaluation: Operation of the commissioning model, finance and programme delivery, Foster S, Metcalf H, Purvis A, Lanceley L, Foster R, Lane P, Tufekci L, Rolfe H, Newton B, Bertram C, Garlick M, Research Report 893, Department for Work and Pensions, Dec 2014
- Evaluation of Day One mandation of prison leavers to the Work Programme, George A, Metcalf H, Hunter G, Bertram C, Newton B, Skrine O, Turnbull P, Research Report , Department for Work and Pensions, Dec 2014
- Evaluation of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Grants, Marangozov R, Marvell R, Miller L, Newton B, Fletcher L, , Institute for Employment Studies, Sep 2014
- Youth Contract for 16-17 year olds: an evaluation, Marvell R, Newton B, Research Report , Department for Education (DFE), Jun 2014
- The Youth Contract for 16-17 year olds not in education, employment or training evaluation, Newton B, Speckesser S, Nafilyan V, Maguire S, Devins D, Bickerstaffe T, Research Report , Department for Education, Jun 2014
- Practices and Evolutions in Apprenticeship Training Policies in Europe, Broughton A, Newton B, Lazazzara A, Stettes O, Jacquemet S, Isken J, Lehugeur T, Masingue B, Panorama 319A, Entreprise et Personnel, Feb 2014
- Evaluation of the Apprenticeship Grant for Employers (AGE 16 to 24) programme, Research Paper 157, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), Dec 2013
- Research into under-representation, by gender and ethnicity, in Apprenticeships, Williams J, Foley B, Newton B, Report 503, Institute for Employment Studies, Nov 2013
- Under-representation by gender and race in apprenticeships, Newton B, Williams J, Research Paper 18, Unionlearn, Nov 2013
- Top tips for local authorities implementing Raising the Participation Age (RPA), Maguire S, Newton B, , Department for Education, Aug 2013
- Research into the Phase 4 Locally-Led Delivery Projects for Raising the Participation Age, Maguire S, Newton B, Research Report 308, Department for Education, Aug 2013
- Evaluation of the HSE worker involvement training courses, Broughton A, Wilson S, Newton B, Research Report 964, Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Mar 2013
- Work Programme Evaluation: Findings from the first phase of qualitative research on programme delivery, Newton B, Meager N, Bertram C, Corden A, George A, Lalani M, Metcalf H, Rolfe H, Sainsbury R, Weston K, Research Report 821, Department for Work and Pensions, Oct 2012
- Evaluation of Jobcentre Plus Advisory Services in Integrated Children's Centres in Communities First Areas, Foley B, Stevens H, Newton B, Social Research 33/2012, Welsh Government, Oct 2012
- Report for NAS: Good Practice Evaluation of the Diversity in Apprenticeship Pilots, Newton B, Miller L, Oakley J, Hicks B, Report 496, Institute for Employment Studies, Aug 2012
- Expanding and Improving Part-time Higher Education, Pollard E, Newton B, Hillage J, Research Paper 68, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), Jun 2012
- Green skills and environmental awareness in vocational education and training, Research Paper 24, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), May 2012
- Apprenticeship supply in the Member States of the European Union, , European Commission, May 2012
- Volunteering: Supporting transitions, Newton B, Oakley J, Pollard E, , v inspired, Apr 2011
- Activity Agreement Pilots - trialling different approaches to re-engaging young people not in education, employment or training (NEET), Maguire S, Newton B, with Fearn H, Oakley J, Williams C, Miller L, Levesley T, Research Report RR086, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), Feb 2011
- Evaluation of the Advancement Network Prototypes, Newton B, Gloster R, Sissons P, Fearn H, Whitehurst D, , Institute for Employment Studies , Oct 2010
- Evaluation of the Advancement Network Prototypes - First Interim Report, Newton B, Sissons P, Gloster R, , Learning and Skills Council, Mar 2010
- Evaluation of the Advancement Network Prototypes - Second Interim Report, Newton B, Gloster R, Sissons P, Fearn H, Whitehurst D, , Learning and Skills Council, Mar 2010
- Activity Agreement Pilots: Evaluation of the 2008-2009 extension, Maguire S, Newton B, Fearn H, Huddleston P, Levesley T, Miller L, Oakley J, Usher T, Williams C, White C, Report RR201, Department for Children, Schools and Families, Dec 2009
- Learning Agreement Pilots: Evaluation of the 2008-2009 extension, Maguire S, Newton B, Bates P, Huddleston P, Levesley T, Miller L, Munro M, Usher T, Report 202, Department for Children, Schools and Families, Dec 2009
- Activity and Learning Agreement Pilots - Programme Theory Evaluation (Working Paper 3), Newton B, Johnson C, Fearn H, Report RR097, Department for Children, Schools and Families, Apr 2009
- Activity and Learning Agreement Pilots - Programme Theory Evaluation (Working Paper 5), Newton B, Levesley T, Oakley J, Fearn H, Johnson C, Report RR098, Department for Children, Schools and Families, Apr 2009
- Train to Gain Learner Evaluation: Report from Wave 2 Research, Newton B, Regan J, Hillage J, , Learning and Skills Council, Feb 2009
- Activity Agreements Evaluation, Hillage J, Johnson C, Newton B (IES), Maquire S (Centre for Education and Industry), Tanner E, Purdon S (National Centre for Social Research), Research Report RR063, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), Oct 2008
- Train to Gain Learner Evaluation: Report from Wave 1 Research, Newton B, Page R, Regan J, O'Regan S, Hillage J, , Learning and Skills Council, Apr 2008
- Activity and Learning Agreement Pilots - Programme Theory Evaluation (Working Paper 1), Johnson C, Newton B, Usher T, Hillage J, Working Paper RW028, Department for Children, Schools and Families, Jan 2008
- Evaluation of the Activity and Learning Agreement Pilot, Maguire S, Thompson J (University of Warwick), Hillage J, Dewson S, Miller L, Johnson C, Newton B, Bates P, Page P (IES), Research Report RW027, Department for Children, Schools and Families, Jan 2008
- Building on Young Apprenticeships, Newton B, Miller L, Page R, Tuohy S, Report 444, Institute for Employment Studies, Oct 2007
- Review and Evaluation of the National Peer Referencing Pilots, Bellis A, Lucy D, Baldwin S, Newton B, , Quality Improvement Agency for Lifelong Learning, May 2007
- An Evaluation of the UfI/learndirect Telephone Guidance Trial, Page R, Newton B, Hawthorn R, Hunt W, Hillage J, Research Report RR833, Department for Education and Skills, Jan 2007
- Learning through Work: Literacy, language, numeracy and IT skills development in low-paid, low-skilled workplaces - Literature review, Newton B, Miller L, Bates P, Page R, Akroyd K, Report 433, Institute for Employment Studies, Jul 2006
- Learning through Work: Literacy, language, numeracy and IT skills development in low-paid, low-skilled workplaces - Audit of Learning, Newton B, Miller L, Braddell A, Report 434, Institute for Employment Studies, Jul 2006
- Employer Training Pilots, Hillage J, Loukas G, Newton B, Tamkin P, Research Report RR774, Department for Education and Skills, Jun 2006
- Young Apprenticeships, Newton B, Miller L, Akroyd K, Tuohy S, Report 428, Institute for Employment Studies, May 2006
- Training Participation by Age Amongst Unemployed and Inactive People, Newton B, Hurstfield J, Miller L, Akroyd K, Gifford J, Research Report DWPRR 291, Department for Work and Pensions, Oct 2005
- What Employers Look for When Recruiting the Unemployed and Inactive, Newton B, Hurstfield J, Miller L, Page R, Akroyd K, Research Report DWPRR 295, Department for Work and Pensions, Oct 2005
- Appreciative Enquiry, Newton B, Hartley V, HR Network Paper MP53, Institute for Employment Studies, Aug 2005
- Training a Mixed-Age Workforce, Newton B, Hurstfield J, Miller L, Bates P, APG5, Age Partnership Group, Department of Work and Pensions, Apr 2005
- Platform for Progression: Employer Training Pilots, Hillage J, Loukas G, Newton B, Tamkin P, Report ETP2, Department for Education and Skills, Mar 2005
Articles and chapters
- Impact of summer programmes on the outcomes of disadvantaged or ‘at risk’ young people: A systematic review, Muir D, Orlando C and Newton B, PubMed Central, June 2024
- Reforming Adult Social Care - Integrating Funding, Pay, Employment and Skills Policies in England, Newton B, Campaign for Learning, November 2021
- Employers, apprenticeships and the levy - all change?, Newton B, People Management, [Online], October 2017
- Overcoming poverty and increasing young people's participation, Newton B, Buzzeo J, Criminal Justice Matters, Taylor & Francis, Vol 99, No. 1, March 2015
- Editorial: basic and employability skills, Miller L, Newton B, Biggart A, International Journal of Training and Development, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Volume 17, Issue 3, September 2013
- Towards an inclusive apprenticeship programme, Newton B, Human Resources, February 2013
- Re-engaging young people, Newton B, 14-19 Learning and Skills Bulletin, Issue 11, Spring 2010
- Re-engaging young people not in employment, education or training, Newton B, Workplace Learning and Skills Bulletin, Issue 8, March 2010
- Policies and Strategies for Workforce Development: encouraging a customised approach, Miller L, Hillage J, Newton B, Jagger N, Research in Post-Compulsory Education, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 287-304, November 2005
- Helping business students find a voice online: Large Group Participation in an e-learning Environment, Newton B, Rospigliosi A, Educational Innovation in Economics and Business, Kluwer Academic Publishers, IX, 2005
- Models of e-learning: a comparative case study, Meredith S, Newton B, International Journal of Management Education, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2004
- Models of e-learning: A literature review, Meredith S, Newton B, International Journal of Management Education, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2003
- Hot Technology, Cool Academics, Innovations in Teaching and Learning Series, Newton B, Paine C, Flowers S, Learning and Teaching Subject Network, Business Management Accountancy, 2002
- Developing a model of technology enhanced higher education: key issues and management challenges, Flowers S, Newton R, Paine C, Bourner T, Katz T, Watson D (eds.), New Directions in Professional Higher Education, Open University Press and Society for Research into Higher Education, 2001
- Implementation Strategies for educational intranet resources, Sosabowski H, Herson K, Lloyd A, Flowers S, Paine C, Newton R, British Journal of Education and Training, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 47-56, 2000
- Building a Business School Intranet: Lessons and Directions, Flowers S, Newton R, Paine C, CTI-AFM Conference Proceedings, 1999
- Creating a Faculty Intranet: a case study in change, Flowers S, Newton R, Paine C, Education and Training, Vol. 40, No. 8, pp. 340-346, 1998
Conference appearances
- Facilitators and barriers to entry and progression in work, Newton B, The Future of Coffee: People, Progression and Retention, 25 June 2024
- Women in Leadership, Newton B, Inclusive Futures: Celebrating International Women's Day with the School of Business and Law (University of Brighton), 08 March 2024
- Reviewing progress in the plan for jobs , Newton B, NCfE webinar, March 2021
- Making Devolution Work for Women, Newton B, Invite-only roundtable discussion: Making Devolution Work for Women, Fawcett Society, Birmingham, August 2019
- Roundtable to discuss the Liquid Workforce, Newton B, Natwest, London, July 2019
- Adult skills and gaining accreditation in the workplace, Newton B, Presentation, Gatsby Foundation, London, June 2019
- T-Levels Preparing for Success, Newton B, Presentation, Westminster Briefing, London, June 2019
- Westminster Education Forum Keynote Seminar: Implementing the T-Level programme - content, regulation and assessment , Newton B, Westminster Education Forum Keynote Seminar: Implementing the T-Level programme - content, regulation and assessment, Westminster Education Forum, London, April 2019
- The Cedefop VET toolkit to tackle early leaving from education and training, Newton B, Nouwen W, Policy learning forum: VET as a solution to leaving education early, Cedefop, Artion Events, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2017
- Local policymakers and institutional level actors measures, Newton B, Policy learning forum: VET as a solution to leaving education early, Cedefop, Artion Events, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2017
- Labour market for young people: today and tomorrow, Newton B, Future of work and employability at age 19, Department for Education, London, June 2016
- Evidence Report, Newton B, Skills Commission Spotlight on Young People: Evidence Session 1, All-Party Parliamentary Group for Skills and Employment, London, March 2016
- Apprenticeships Equality, Diversity and the Reform Programme, Newton B, Community Safety Social Inclusion Scrutiny Commission, Hackney Council , London, February 2016
- Evaluation of the Apprenticeship Trailblazers, Newton B, Evaluation of the Apprenticeship Trailblazers, Campaign for Learning, London, July 2015
- Overcoming unemployment among young people: lessons from Youth Contract for 16-17 year olds, Newton B, Speckesser S, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion seminar, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE), London School of Economics (LSE), October 2014
- Addressing under-representation by gender and ethnicity in Apprenticeships, Newton B, Apprenticeships and Equality: A call to action, Department of Business Innovation and Skills, the National Apprenticeship Service and the TUC, London, April 2014
- Under-representation in apprenticeships, Newton B, Network Rail seminar, Network Rail, Milton Keynes, March 2014
- Increasing diversity in apprenticeships , Newton B, 5th International Apprenticeship Conference, National Apprenticeship Service, London, March 2014
- RPA Phase 4 Evaluation , Newton B, South West Partnership for Participation and Progression, South West Partnership for Participation and Progression Group, Somerset, January 2014
- Under-representation in Apprenticeships by gender and ethnicity - A research overview, Newton B, Under-representation in Apprenticeships by gender and ethnicity, Unionlearn with TUC, London, January 2014
- Contributor, Newton B, Livechat: How can we secure sustainable jobs for the most disadvantaged?, The Guardian, October 2013
- Research on the Raising the Participation Age (RPA) Phase 4 Local Delivery Projects , Newton B, RPA projects – Phase 4 Dissemination Event, Department for Education, Sheffield, September 2013
- Evaluation of the Work Programme: Key findings, Newton, B, Welfare to Work Convention, Inclusion and Shaw Trust, Manchester, July 2013
- Measuring impact, accountabilities, systems and processes: What can we learn from recent evaluations?, Newton B, Youth Employment Convention, Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion, London, May 2013
- Youth transitions: a route to the labour market through Apprenticeship, Newton B, Select Committee on the Student Journey, Kent County Council, Kent, January 2013
- Expert contribution, Newton B, Expert seminar: Youth unemployment and young people NEET, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), London, July 2012
- Expanding and Improving Part-time Higher Education, Hillage J, Pollard E, Newton B, Higher Education Seminar, Department for Business, Inmovation and Skills, London, June 2012
- Youth transitions: learning and the labour market, Newton B, Select Committee on the Student Journey, Kent County Council, Kent, July 2011
- Employers! Put your best where it will do the most, Miller L, Newton B, The point of partnership: understanding employer engagement in education, University of Warwick, October 2010
- How do we engage reluctant post-16 learners? Some lessons for Raising of the Participation Age (RPA), Newton B, Maguire S, British Education Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, BERA, Warwick, September 2010
- Youth apprenticeships, Newton B, Apprenticeship in Challenging Times, Institute of Education, London, July 2010
- Re-engaging young people through the Activity Agreements: the perspectives of young people and their advisers, Newton B, Levesley T, NEETS: what the research says, A London Region Post-14 Network Conference, Universtiy of London Institue of Education, July 2009
- Lessons from the Young Apprenticeships, Newton B, Researching Practice: Work Based Research in the Learning and Skills Sector, Further Education Research Association, London, May 2009
- Findings from the Careers Advice Service Progression Insight Research, Newton B, Gloster R, Policy makers' seminar, April 2009
- Putting research into practice in the Young Apprenticeships, Newton B, Learning and Skills Research Network Conference 2008, NIACE, London, December 2008
- Vocational Guidance using new technologies - Lessons from Learndirect Guidance telephony-based service UK, Newton B, Gloster R, Bringing Public Employment Services directly to jobseekers, employers and local communities using accessible, sustainable systems and technologies, EU Open Access Project, FAS - Irish Employment Board, Dublin, November 2008
- Designing, developing and evaluating Tasters, Newton B, Workshop series, Brighton, London, Coventry and York, Summer 2007
- Designing sector-based careers information, Newton B, Workshop series, London, Norfolk, Brighton, Spring 2007
- Equal opportunities in the Young Apprentices, Newton B, Young Apprentices Conference, Department for Education and Skills, London, Autumn 2006
- The Wider Benefits of Learning in Later Life - Keynote address, Dench S, Newton B, Later Life Learning - Fit for Purpose?, Association for Education and Ageing, NIACE, IES, Celebrating Age 2006, Brighton, July 2006
- Improving large group participation for business students in an eLearning environment using sustained role play in a virtual business, Newton B, Rospigliosi A, 9th Annual EDINEB International Conference, Breaking Boundaries for Global Learning, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Guadalajara, 2002
Advisory roles and affiliations
- Member of Nuffield Foundation advisory group on post-16 transitions for low attainers at GCSE level (2018 - present)
- Expert, DWP & ESRC roundtable on Work, Health and Disability (2017 - 2017)
- Occasional Reviewer for the Journal of Social Policy (2016 - present)
- Occasional reviewer for the Journal of Social Policy & Administration (2015 - present)
- Associate of the Education and Training Foundation (2016 - present)
- Occasional Referee for Educational Research journal (2014 - present)
- Occasional Referee for The International Journal of Training Research (2014 - present)
- Associate Researcher for the Department for Education (2014 - present)
- Member, London Borough of Newham 16-19 education and employment advisory group (2009 - 2010)
- A senior academic member of the Make Work Pay working group, an on-going advisory role. (2024 - present)
- Advisor to Greater London Authority (GLA) advisory group: London Growth Plan: Good Work (2024 - 2024)
- Evaluation of London Multiply
- YFF Self Employment Trial
- YFF Youth Employment Toolkit 2.0
- Sutton Trust Impact Analysis
- Gatsby Adult skills bootcamps evaluation
- Refugee Employment Programme (REP)
- Barristers Working Lives 2023
- YFF Synthesis of evaluations of ‘systems change’ interventions
- Transforming skills policy
- CYA "Forging Futures"
- Multiply Randomised Controlled Trials Evaluation
- Universities Partnership: Theory of change
- GLA Working Integration Network Academies
- SomersetWorks Partnership College Pilot Evaluation
- YFF ELATT "Connected Youth Evaluation" - Year 1
- YFF ELATT "Connected Youth Evaluation" - Year 2
- Pilot and Feasibility Study for ‘Step Up’
- Systematic review of the impact of summer jobs and education on young people's outcomes
- Evaluation of the W1 Skills Bootcamps and design of W2 evaluation
- Central London Forward Green Jobs and Skills
- Skills Accelerator Early Evaluation
- ESF Growth Boroughs
- Greater London Authority
- Developing an Inclusive Growth Strategy for the London Borough of Lewisham
- The quality of work on offer to young people and how it supports the building blocks for a healthy life
- Evidence review: Supporting unemployed and disadvantaged young people into and towards meaningful work
- Planning and preparing for later life
- Understanding employers' views and practices in providing employee support from mid-life through to retirement
- Assessment of public interventions to combat labour market segmentation in four EU Member States
- Evaluation of the Healthy Working Wales Programme - In Work Support Operation
- Technical Education Work Placements Pilot Project Evaluation
- Early leaving from vocational education and training
- Evaluation of Communities for Work
- Rapid evidence assessment - parents' decisions about returning to work and child caring responsibilities
- Investigation into post-16 occupational standards in international technical education systems
- Health-led Trial
- Evaluation of the new Jobcentre Plus approach to providing support for 16-17 year olds
- Research into the ESA Claimant Trials
- Phase 2 of the Evaluation of the Apprenticeship Trailblazers - case studies
- Evaluating mandatory maths and English training for young jobseekers: 18-21 Work Skills Pilot
- Evaluation of Apprenticeship Grant for Employers of 16 to 24 year olds - Phase 2
- Review of Apprenticeship Research 2013-2014
- Evaluation of the Apprenticeship Trailblazers
- Evaluation of Apprenticeship Grant for Employers of 16 to 24 year olds
- Universal credit and self employment
- Apprenticeships and Gender and Race Equality
- Evaluation of the Youth Contract Programme
- Evaluation of phase 4 of the Trials to support Raising the Participation Age
- Evaluation of the Pathways to Apprenticeship programme
- Evaluation of Day One Access to the Work Programme for prison leavers and Employment and Reoffending Pilot
- ITV Fixers
- Evaluation of Diversity in Apprenticeship Pilots
- Young People in Jobs Without Nationally Recognised Accredited Training
- Articulating the Additional Value of Volunteering
- Innovative Models of Effective International Practice in Training Early School Leavers
- Evaluation of the Advanced Network Prototypes (ANP)
- Evaluation of Activity Agreements Pilots
- Evaluating Race Equality Procurement Pilots
- Careers Advice Service Customer Progression Insight