Pilot and Feasibility Study for ‘Step Up’
Step Up is a PLIAS Resettlement project designed to support 120 young people aged 16-24 in Brent and Harrow who are unemployed/NEET and involved in or on the cusp of the criminal justice system. The project aims to support positive education/training outcomes, progress into meaningful, sustainable employment and a reduction in re-offending.
Our evaluation will establish a project Theory of Change and participant journeys through the project. These will then be tested using: a participant pre-post survey; qualitative research with PLIAS staff, volunteers, stakeholders, employers and young people taking part in the programme; and analysis of management information collected by PLIAS.
The study will also assess the feasibility for a future impact evaluation. The study will contribute to the growing body of evidence on what works being generated by the Youth Futures Foundation.