
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

All our pdf publications are free to access.

  • Slides: Brexit: how it looks from the UK

    Broughton A | Mar 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Andrea Broughton's presentation slides from Industrial Relations News event 'Where are we now? Employment Relations in a time of heightened expectations', Dublin, 9 March 2017.

  • The role of HR in workforce innovation

    IES Perspectives on HR 2017

    Reilly P, Sheehan M | Mar 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    In this IES Perspectives on HR 2017 essay, Peter Reilly writes with Professor Maura Sheehan on the role that HR might play in workforce innovation.

  • Strategic change-readiness for organisations

    IES Perspectives on HR 2017

    Carter A | Mar 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    How can organisations prepare for change and how are some organisations able to adapt and operate reliably in the face of uncertainty? This is a question at the heart of Alison Carter's contribution to IES Perspectives on HR 2017.

  • The HR function post-Ulrich's structural model

    IES Perspectives on HR 2017

    Reilly P | Mar 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Writing in IES Perspectives on HR 2017 Peter Reilly discusses the Ulrich structural model and considers how robust this model will be for the future of HR.

  • Hidden voices and disengagement: the gift of learning from political earthquakes

    IES Perspectives on HR 2017

    Callen A | Mar 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    What can organisations learn from 2016's politics about listening to employees and avoiding disengagement? Amanda Callen writes in IES Perspectives on HR 2017.

  • Talent management: responding to uncertainty

    IES Perspectives on HR 2017

    Hirsh W | Mar 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Wendy Hirsh writes in IES Perspectives on HR 2017, considering the role of talent management in uncertain times and in a changing landscape of work.

  • Supporting employee financial wellbeing

    IES Perspectives on HR 2017

    Rickard C | Mar 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Catherine Rickard's 2017 Perspectives on HR essay outlines the issue of employee financial wellbeing and offers practical guidance on the support that employers can offer.

  • Dementia-friendly workplaces

    IES Perspectives on HR 2017

    Bevan S | Mar 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    In this essay from IES Perspectives on HR 2017, Stephen Bevan considers the growing need for organisations to create dementia-friendly workplaces.

  • Talkin' 'bout my generation: just what does age and the ageing workforce mean for HR?

    IES Perspectives on HR 2017

    Brown D | Mar 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Duncan Brown, Head of HR Consultancy, offers his contribution to 2017's Perspectives on HR series of essays. In the context of an ageing workforce and growing concerns over intergenerational differences in the workplace, Duncan discusses the practical implications for HR.

  • Work... but not as we know it

    IES Perspectives on HR 2017

    Tamkin P | Mar 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Penny Tamkin, editor of the IES Perspectives on HR 2017 series of essays, offers her own take on the year ahead, considering new forms of work and the rise of the Uber and gig economies.