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OVO Foundation report: Education Inequality in the early years
Dawson A, Williams C, Akehurst G | Feb 2021 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis report outlines the initial plans to evaluate three early years projects chosen by the OVO Foundation; Doorstep Library, Parental Engagement Network (PEN) and Tales Toolkit.
Labour Market Statistics, February 2021
Feb 2021 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis briefing note sets out analysis of the Labour Market Statistics published on 23 February 2021.
An Unequal Crisis: The impact of the pandemic on the youth labour market
Wilson T, Papoutsaki D | Feb 2021 | IES/Youth Futures FoundationThis report sets out analysis of trends in youth participation in education and employment during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Working from Home under Covid-19 Lockdown
Transitions and Tensions
Parry J, Young Z, Bevan S, Veliziotis M, Baruch Y, Beigi M, Bajorek Z, Salter E, Tochia C | Feb 2021 | Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)This research examines how enforced working from home in the UK is changing how people want to work in the future and how organisations respond.
Digital learning in a post Covid-19 economy
An evidence review
Rickard C, Brown D, Crowley L | Jan 2021 | CIPDThis report presents the findings from an evidence review that the Institute of Employment Studies was commissioned to carry out by the CIPD on digital and online learning within adult vocational education and in the workplace.
Labour Market Statistics, January 2021
Jan 2021 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis briefing note sets out analysis of the Labour Market Statistics published on 26 January 2021.
Laid low
The impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on low-paid and insecure workers
Wilson T, Buzzeo J | Jan 2021 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis is the final report of a mixed methods project exploring the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on low paid workers. The project has been funded by Standard Life Foundation.
Covid class of 2020, and beyond
Supporting Sussex learners and potential learners
Williams J, Newton B, Pollard E, Williams C, Williams M | Jan 2021 | Institute for Employment StudiesSussex Learning Network commissioned IES to lead research into the implementation of a collaborative ‘Pan Sussex’ approach, ensuring all learners and potential learners in Sussex can make effective transitions within education and training as a protective measure against the economic storm created by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Labour market priorities for the 2021 Budget
IES | Jan 2021 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis is the IES submission for the 2021 Budget which will be held on 3 March. It argues that the Budget should prioritise action in eight areas to support a jobs recovery and labour market inclusion.
Shut Out: How employers and recruiters are overlooking the talents of over 50s workers
Edwards M, Holmes J, Mason B, Bajorek Z | Jan 2021 | Centre for Ageing BetterThis is the first report in a series from Ageing Better’s Good Recruitment for Older Workers (GROW) project.