
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • When Work Takes Flight

    Research results from the EMERGENCE project

    Huws U (ed.) | Mar 2003 | Institute for Employment Studies

    A new global division of labour is emerging in knowledge work, as information and communications technologies introduce a new range of choices in who does what work, where and when. Work involving the processing of digitised information can now be carried out anywhere in the world, where the right skills and infrastructure exist. Between 2000 and 2003, the EMERGENCE project carried out research to map and measure these new trends. This final report summarises the results of a major 18-country survey, 62 in-depth case studies and a critical review of the evidence.

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    Defining and Creating Employee Commitment

    a Review of Current Research

    Robinson D | Mar 2003 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Over the past ten years, the study of commitment has advanced in many different directions. A variety of disciplines have adopted the topic as a theme in their research and these have offered fresh and significant insights. These recent advances include new approaches to both the conceptualisation of employee commitment and the particular human resource practices intended to increase it. This review discusses the definition of commitment and its creation based on IES' extensive experience of working in this area and a comprehensive literature review.

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    Organisational Citizenship Behaviour

    Possible Attitude Statements

    Feb 2003 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper suggests attitude statements that test organisational citizenship behaviour.

  • Choices and Transitions

    A Study of the Graduate Labour Market in the South West

    Perryman S, Pollard E, Hillage J, Barber L | Feb 2003 | HERDA-SW and South West Regional Development Agency

    In March 2002, HERDA-SW, in association with SWRDA, commissioned IES to conduct a study to inform regional efforts to retain and recruit graduates for the benefits of the South West economy. The report profiles students in the South West, assesses their expectations, and describes how they transfer to the job market. In doing so, a picture emerges of the flow of graduates into and out of the SW labour market, and the reasons why graduates are, or are not, attracted and retained in the region.

  • Monitoring Progress Towards Pay Equality

    Neathey F, Dench S, Thomson L | Feb 2003 | Equal Opportunities Commission

    This research examines the extent of gender equality in the pay structures and pay practices of larger organisations. It focuses, in particular, on equal pay reviews. This publication is no longer available.

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    Business Start-Up Support for Young People, Delivered by The Prince's Trust

    A Comparative Study of Labour Market Outcomes

    Meager N, Bates P, Cowling M | Feb 2003 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This report examines the effectiveness of the Business Programme of The Prince's Trust and analyses the longer-term labour market outcomes of young adults who are supported into self-employment. The study was commissioned by the former DfEE in 1999 and carried out by the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) and Marc Cowling of the London Business School (LBS).

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    Questions to Measure Commitment and Job Satisfaction

    Hayday S | Feb 2003 | Institute for Employment Studies

    As the title suggests, this paper identifies questions measuring employee commitment and job satisfaction. There are limitations to measuring morale and motivation by direct questions about their levels. The more practical approach of using statements about commitment and job satisfaction as indicators was discussed as these provide greater understanding of the issues.

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    Employers and the New Deal for Disabled People - Qualitative Research, First Wave

    Aston J, Atkinson J, Evans C, Davis S, O'Regan S | Feb 2003 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This publication is no longer available. This report contributed to the national evaluation of the New Deal for Disabled People (NDDP). It sets out the first results from research on employer awareness of, and involvement with NDDP. Other linked studies contributed evidence on other stakeholders, particularly customers of the programme and the job brokers delivering it.

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    The Link between Pay and Performance

    Reilly P | Jan 2003 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This is a short note examining the relationship between performance and remuneration. We have concentrated on the link at individual (rather than group or corporate) level and we have focused on pay, not any other forms of reward. Finally, we have not looked specifically at the different techniques for relating performance to pay.

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    Childcare, 16-19 Year Old Parents and Further Education

    Dench S, Evans C | Jan 2003 | Department for Education and Skills

    This publication is no longer available. A key part of Government education and training policy is the encouragement of more people from low income families and disadvantaged backgrounds to participate in further education. The provision of student support is a central part of the policy. It is recognised that different groups of young people experience particular barriers and difficulties when accessing further education. One group in which there is considerable interest is 16-19 year old parents and childcare has been found to be a major barrier for these parents.