
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    The Making of a Cybertariat

    Virtual Work in a Real World

    Huws U | Jul 2003 | Monthly Review Press

    The workplace has been changed in recent decades by the rise of digital technologies. Parts of a single labour process can be moved around the world, with implications not only for individual workplaces or firms, but for the working class as a whole. Huws' Making of a Cybertariat examines this process from a number of perspectives. It focuses especially on women in the workplace and at home. It examines changing categories of employment, and modes of organisation.

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    Competency-Based Pay

    Neathey F, Reilly P | Jul 2003 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper describes the use of competencies in reward systems and highlights both the attractions of such an approach and the potential problems and pitfalls that may have contributed to its limited application.

  • eHR: An Introduction

    Kettley P, Reilly P | Jun 2003 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report provides an introduction to the rapidly evolving field of eHR. It is an introductory guide to the concept of eHR and its implications for HR management. The report locates the differing models of eHR, as currently used by employers, within the wider context of HR strategy, and highlights a few of the unresolved challenges. Along the way it focuses on some of the practical demands of implementing eHR, as encountered by major UK employing organisations. Based largely on discussions with HR professionals and a review of the relevant literature, it sets out to give a feel for what eHR is all about, and to examine some of the lessons that can be learned.

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    Ready, SET Go: A Review of SET Study and Career Choices

    Pollard E, Jagger N, Perryman S, Van Gent M, Mann K | Jun 2003 | Engineering Technology Board

    Guided by its expert advisory Education Panel, the Engineering Technology Board and its research partners have addressed concerns over the declining number of students pursuing a career in science, engineering and technology (SET) and identifying the points at which talented individuals are deterred from starting or continuing down that path. This report by IES explores the role of career services in making SET more appealing, especially to women. This publication is no longer available.

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    Implementation of the Working Time Regulations

    Follow-up study

    Neathey F | Jun 2003 | Department of Trade and Industry

    In 1999 and 2000, research was conducted to explore how organisations had adapted to the Working Time Regulations (WTR) which came into effect in October 1998, and to examine their impact at workplace level. The current study explored developments in application of the WTR over the three years since the original research. It also reviewed the impact of recent and forthcoming changes to the Regulations in respect of: young workers; holiday entitlement; night-work calculations and sectors previously excluded from the WTR.

  • Best Practice in Rehabilitating Employees Following Absence Due to Work-Related Stress

    Thomson L, Rick J, Neathey F | Jun 2003 | Health and Safety Executive

    This report identifies specific examples of best practice following absence due to stress-related illness, and various factors that influence its effectiveness. It considers the historical development of any rehabilitation practices within the case study organisations, and describes the key factors influencing the development of procedures.

  • How Flexible is Total Reward?

    Silverman M, Reilly P | Jun 2003 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper outlines the nature of total reward and flexible benefits. It describes how common such schemes are in the UK and sets out the reasons for introducing these remuneration initiatives. Common problems and obstacles are reviewed and some practical questions are looked at.

  • Minority Ethnic Students in Higher Education: interim report

    Connor H, Tyers C, Davis S, Tackey N D, Modood T | Jun 2003 | Department for Education and Skills

    This report is about research on the flows into, through and out of higher education (HE) of minority ethnic groups. The focus is on undergraduate study in England, and presents interim findings of an initial assessment of existing research evidence on minority ethnic groups in HE, and a national survey of undergraduate students undertaken in Spring 2002. The survey explored their choices of HE study, experiences to date, financial issues and job/career plans.

  • Employer Perspectives on the Recruitment, Retention and Advancement of Low-pay, Low-status Employees

    Atkinson J, Williams M | Jun 2003 | Cabinet Office

    Low skill, low status jobs in the UK can constitute a first step on a ladder to rising lifetime earnings, in which experience, tacit skills, contacts and know-how can be acquired and used to promote a pay off later. However, in practice, they provide little or no basis for substantial advancement through the labour market: the evidence suggests that short-term mobility in the wage distribution is limited, and that individuals who do progress, do not generally progress very far.

  • Measuring Up

    Benchmarking Graduate Retention

    Tyers C, Perryman S, Barber L | May 2003 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Retention levels of new-graduate staff can vary amongst employers according to a number of factors. These include company size, industrial sector and the type of role on offer. Employers also vary in their level of commitment to monitoring retention, and in the range of methods used to retain graduates fresh out of university.