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    Second phase evaluation of the introduction of Assistant Practitioners in Imaging Services in Scotland

    Final report to NES

    Miller L, Price R, Hicks B, Higgins T | May 2011 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report sets out the findings from the second round evaluation of the impact of introducing Assistant Practitioners into Diagnostic Radiography services in NHS Scotland. The training programme for the Assistant Practitioners had been introduced as a result of a scoping exercise undertaken by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) in 2004 which had found a lack of appropriate educational opportunities and pathways for support workers.

  • Evaluation of the London City Strategy ESOL Pilot: final report

    Bellis A, Sigala M, Oakley J | May 2011 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This report presents findings from research carried out as part of the evaluation of the London City Strategy Pathfinder English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Pilot. The research was commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The two-year ESOL Pilot was designed to demonstrate how work-focused ESOL training provision can support access to sustainable employment for people who speak English as an additional language. The main target group was parents with ESOL needs who were in receipt of benefits or tax credits.

  • Study of School Gates Employment Support Initiative

    Marangozov R, Dewson S | Apr 2011 | DWP

    This report presents qualitative findings from the study of the School Gates Employment Initiative. This mostly involved qualitative research in 13 of the 25 pilot areas which included interviews with school heads, Regional Development Agency ...

  • Understanding the behaviour and decision making of employees in conflicts and disputes at work

    Lucy D, Broughton A | Apr 2011 | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)

    This report reviews the literature on the factors that may influence the behaviour of employees who are involved in a conflict or dispute at work. The aim was to inform the debate about how to encourage parties to resolve such problems earlier and more informally rather than through employment tribunals.

  • Employer engagement and Jobcentre Plus

    Bellis A, Sigala M, Dewson S | Apr 2011 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This evaluation of the Local Employment Partnerships (LEPs) centred around two waves of qualitative interviews with: national Jobcentre Plus, DWP and Learning and Skills Council (LSC) staff; Jobcentre Plus district and local staff in eight areas in England, Scotland and Wales; local and national employers; customers; and training providers and other stakeholders at a district level. The main aims of the research were to explore the successful elements of LEPs, to ascertain why employers had engaged with LEPs and what they had gained from doing so, to look at the impact of LEPs on partnership working and to determine which customers had benefited from taking part. The research also examined the introduction, implementation and organisation of LEPs at national, district and local levels.

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    European Restructuring Monitor Quarterly - 2011, Issue 1

    Hurley J, Riso S, Salvatore L, Miginis M, Parker J, Broughton A | Apr 2011 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

    In this edition of the ERM quarterly, we describe some positive recent developments in the IT sector where looming skill shortages were more of a concern than unemployment. We also showcase a potentially interesting industrial restructuring project at the old Fiat plant at Termini Imerese in Sicily.

  • Performance Management: The Implementation Challenge

    Key research findings

    Hirsh W, Brown D, Chubb C, Reilly P | Apr 2011 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This note summarises the interim findings of literature and case-based research into the implementation of performance management systems conducted by IES in 2011.

  • Performance Management: Literature Review

    Chubb C, Reilly P, Brown D | Apr 2011 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper reviews the literature on performance management and appraisals to see where there may be useful learning for organisations. It also provides important criteria on which to judge the effectiveness of the implementation of a performance management system.

  • Volunteering: Supporting transitions

    Newton B, Oakley J, Pollard E | Apr 2011 | v inspired

    In Autumn 2010, v commissioned the Institute for Employment Studies to explore the unique contribution of volunteering to the development of employability skills and attributes, networks and contacts, qualifications and accreditation, and the relief of the negative consequences of unemployment or inactivity.

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    Impact of interfirm relationships – employment and working conditions: A literature review

    Martin R, Marchington M, Grimshaw D, Hadjivassiliou K, Cox A | Apr 2011 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

    This literature review aims both to provide an up-to-date synthesis of, and contribute to, the relevant debates by analysing the varied effects of five types of interfirm relationships: public-private partnerships (PPPs), joint ventures, strategic alliances, clusters and virtual company networks (VCNs). The review uses existing literature to illustrate likely effects of each type of relationship on employment practices and working conditions.