
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Slides: Leadership of Teams

    Penny Tamkin | Feb 2012 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Introductory slides from Penny Tamkin on 'Leadership of teams' which she presented at the HR Network event 'Outstanding Leadership of Teams' on 23 February 2012.

  • Trapped or Flexible? Risk transitions and missing policies for young high-skilled workers in Europe

    Synthesis report

    Orlando N, Samek M, Pesce F, Hadjivassilio K, Higgins T, Rickard C, | Feb 2012 | European Commission

    Young people are far more likely than other groups to be employed in non standard and insecure jobs, independently from their education and skills. Recent changes in the macroeconomic context; the ongoing economic crisis, as well as labour market reforms enhancing flexibility have increased the uncertainty in the labour market for young people, as indicated by the increase in youth unemployment, inactivity and precarious jobs. This project, funded as a pilot project by the European Commission and completed in 2011, provided a detailed examination of the labour market condition of young people with tertiary-level qualifications (ISCED level equal to or greater than 5), who had experienced deskilling and unemployment in recent years. In order to better understand how and to what extent young highly skilled workers in Europe were experiencing job insecurity, the project provided an overview on the European labour market conditions, with a specific focus on Spain, Italy and the UK.

  • Barristers’ Working Lives: A Biennial Survey of the Bar 2011

    Pike G, Robinson D | Jan 2012 | Bar Council and Bar Standards Board

    The Bar Council, which represents barristers in England and Wales, and the Bar Standards Board, the regulator of barristers in England and Wales, commissioned IES to research and produce 'Barristers’ Working Lives', the first in a planned series of biennial surveys of the Bar. The aims of the survey were to provide improved demographic data and information on the profile of the Bar, to gather data and insights into the working lives and employment experiences of barristers and to gain a better understanding of career aspirations, motivations and intentions to stay in or leave the profession.

  • Slides: Organisational buy in: engaging and supporting the line

    Wendy Hirsh | Jan 2012 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Slides from Wendy Hirsh, IES Principal Associate, on 'Organisational buy in: engaging and supporting the line' which she presented at the HR Network event on 'Strategic talent management/workforce planning' on 26 January 2012.

  • Slides: The Workforce System – a useful tool in workforce planning

    Dilys Robinson | Jan 2012 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Slides from Dilys Robinson on 'The Workforce System – a useful tool in workforce planning' which she presented at the HR Network event on 'Strategic talent management/workforce planning' on 26 January 2012.

  • Slides: Talent pool case study

    Dilys Robinson | Jan 2012 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Data for the 'Talent pool case study' which Dilys Robinson presented at the HR Network event on 'Strategic talent management/workforce planning' on 26 January 2012.

  • Slides: Analysing and using workforce information

    Dilys Robinson | Jan 2012 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Slides from Dilys Robinson on 'Analysing and using workforce information' which she presented at the HR Network event on 'Strategic talent management/workforce planning' on 26 January 2012.

  • Slides: Strategic Talent Management and Workforce Planning

    Wendy Hirsh | Jan 2012 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Opening slides from Wendy Hirsh, Principal Associate at IES, at the HR Network event on 'Strategic Talent Management and Workforce Planning' on 26 January 2012.

  • Increasing the Participation of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in Employment: Toolkit

    Jan 2012 | German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

    This report containing IES research outlines the toolkit created as part of the IMPART project. The IMPART project aimed investigate how the European Social Fund (ESF) could best support projects aimed at increasing the participation of migrants and ethnic minorities in employment.

  • Increasing the Participation of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in Employment: Final Report

    Jan 2012 | German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

    This report containing IES research presents the findings from the transnational learning network, IMPART; a group of 12 EU partners which came together to consider how projects which aim to increase the participation of migrants and ethnic minorities in employment can successfully implement and mainstream their good practice.