
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Identifying the impact from health coaching in your organisations

    Carter A, NHS East of England, The Red Lion Hotel, Whittlesford Bridge, July 2014

  • How Grown Ups Make Career Decisions

    Hirsh W, At the Cutting Edge-Research into Practice, NICEC and CDI, University of Derby, July 2014

  • Panel member: Future of engagement

    Robinson D, From the future of engagement, to engagement in the future, Engage for Success, Birmingham, July 2014

  • Panel member: Future of engagement

    Robinson D, From the future of engagement, to engagement in the future, Engage for Success, Birmingham, July 2014.

  • Chair

    Broughton A, Forum: Tackling youth unemployment 2014: Enhancing inclusion, education and opportunities for employment, Inside Government, London, June 2014

  • Chair

    Tamkin P, Utility Week HR Forum 2014, Utility Week, Birmingham, June 2014

  • Harnessing employee voice in a time of change - current trends

    Broughton A, Employee voice - developing a culture of participation, Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA), London, June 2014

  • Work-life balance: examining the impact on well-being and organisational effectiveness

    Broughton A, Health @ Work Summit 2014, Symposium, London, June 2014

  • The principle and practice of workforce planning

    Reilly P, British Red Cross HR Awayday, British Red Cross (internal event), Leamington Spa, May 2014

  • Academic workforce planning

    Reilly P, U21 conference, Universitas 21, Glasgow, May 2014