
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Lessons from Europe. An examination of the information and consultation of employees in other European countries

    Broughton A, IRS conference on the implications of the EU consultation Directive, London, March 2002

  • The theory and process of coaching

    Carter A, Coaching and Mentoring Systems, Performance Management Forum, Le Meridien Waldorf Hotel, February 2002

  • Developing Your High Potential People

    Hirsh W, Whitehall and Industry Group seminar, Whitehall and Industry Group, London, February 2002

  • What Today’s Students Think About Making the Right Choice

    Tyers C, New Research in Education Marketing, Heist, Birmingham, February 2002

  • Perceptions of Distributive, Procedural and Interactional Justice Among Shop Floor Employees in the Engineering Sector

    Cox A, SME Study Group, British Universities Industrial Relations Association, January 2002

  • Improving large group participation for business students in an eLearning environment using sustained role play in a virtual business

    Newton B, Rospigliosi A, 9th Annual EDINEB International Conference, Breaking Boundaries for Global Learning, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Guadalajara, 2002

  • The Role of HR in Developing the Succession Planning Process

    Reilly P, Succession Planning and Management, IQPC, London, December 2001

  • Panel member: Challenges Ahead for Education and Skills Research Over the Next Five Years

    Hillage J, DfES Research Conference, DfES, Institute of Civil Engineers, London, December 2001

  • Are we all Going Soft?

    Hillage J, Research Making an Impact on Policy and Practice: the fifth annual conference of the Learning and Skills Research Network, LSDA, Robinson College, Cambridge, December 2001

  • Shared Services in Human Resources

    Reilly P, Shared Service Organisations, CAPITA, London, November 2001