
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Shared Services in Human Resources

    Reilly P, Shared Service Organisations, CAPITA, London, November 2001

  • HR Shared Services - Call Centre or Professional Service?

    Reilly P, (not known), National Liberal Club, London, October 2001

  • Exploring e-Learning

    Hillage J, Event on e-learning, ALG, ALG, London, October 2001

  • Peer Review of Active Labour Market Policies

    Meager N, Enterprise Ireland: Building Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Irish Industry, European Commission workshop, Dublin, October 2001

  • Using 360 Degree Feedback: First steps to implementation

    Garrow V, The Performance Management Forum, London, October 2001

  • The situation of people with disabilities on the labour market in the EU: Lessons for policies and practice

    Meager N, European Commission seminar, European Commission, Brussels, July 2001

  • The Impact of the HSE on Health and Safety Outcomes

    Hillage J, Chief Scientist’s Seminar, HSE, London, July 2001

  • Flexibility and Mutuality: meeting employee and organisational needs

    Reilly P, Managing and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Flexible Working Practices, IIR, July 2001

  • Chair, Computers in Personnel Conference

    Carter A, Computers in Personnel 2001, IES/CIPD, Barbican, London, June 2001

  • Straight Talking: Effective Career Discussion at Work

    Hirsh W, Jackson C, Kidd J M, CRAC/NICEC conference, CRAC/NICEC, London, June 2001