
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Career Development: What is it and why should organisations bother?

    Hirsh W, CIPD Annual Recruitment and Retention Conference, CIPD, London, June 2008

  • Career development as a Retention Tool

    Hirsh W, CIPD Annual Recruitment and Retention Conference, CIPD, London, June 2008

  • The changing role of the HR function: its contribution to NHS service improvement

    Reilly P, Workforce Planning and Development Programme, East Midlands NHS, Loughborough, June 2008

  • Graduate Choices: University, Living and Working

    Cowling M, Pollard E, Universities, Graduates and Innovation – The Regional Impact of Higher Education, ESRC Impact of Higher Education Institutions on Regional Economies Initiative, Cardiff, June 2008

  • The Changing HR function, transforming HR? Research into practice

    Reilly P, HRM seminar, School of Business, Economics and Law University of Gothenburg, June 2008

  • The Changing HR function, transforming HR? Experiences from the UK

    Reilly P, Starting-up Conference about the HR transformation Research Project, Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet, June 2008

  • How organisations evaluate coaching

    Carter A, Coaches in Government Network, Civil Service, London, June 2008

  • Evaluation of advanced practitioner roles to inform future workforce role redesign decisions

    Miller L, New Ways of Working in Health and Social Care, Skills for Health and Skills for Care, Manchester, June 2008

  • The barriers holding people back

    Hillage J, Life chances: supporting people to get on in the labour market, DIUS/DWP Analytical Seminar, London, June 2008

  • Employee Engagement and Reward

    Reilly P, Network of London Boroughs, June 2008